Free Study Tools

Stuck with your homework? No worries! Our curated selection of free study tools will come in handy! Whether you're experiencing difficulties with idea generation, research, grammar, or citation, StudyCorgi is your one-stop solution for all writing tasks and even more!

Writing Tools

Access a variety of tools to enhance your papers, including resources for essay writing, creative writing, research assistance, citation generation, and title page creation.

Essay Writing Tools

Try our free handy tools for structuring and refining your essays: essay generators, paraphrasers, and more!

Scholarship Essay Generator

Create compelling scholarship essays easily with our free online generator.

Persuasive Essay Maker

Craft persuasive essays effortlessly using StugyCorgi’s online essay generator.

Informative Essay Maker

Generate informative essays on any topic with our helpful free tool.

Compare and Contrast Essay Maker

Compare subjects with our free intuitive essay maker in seconds.

Argumentative Essay Generator

Create convincing argumentative essays in no time with our generator.

Analytical Essay Generator

Analyze topics effectively with our free and convenient paper maker.

Text Reworder

Paraphrase any text instantly while preserving the original meaning.

Sentence Rewriter

Rewrite your sentences for better clarity and coherence within a few clicks.

Phrase Rewriter

Need to improve readability and uniqueness in your phrases and wordings? Use our free tool!

Paragraph Rewriter

Quickly restructure paragraphs for improved flow and coherence using StudyCorgi’s rewriting tool.

Paper Rewriter

Rewrite entire papers to improve originality and quality in a minute with our free tool.

Essay Reworder

Paraphrase any essay easily using our free online essay rewriter.

Conclusion Generator

Generate well-crafted conclusions for any paper within just a few clicks!

Conclusion Sentence Generator

Create effective concluding sentences for your essays in no time using our free online tool.

Topic Sentence Maker

Generate topic sentences to introduce your essay's main ideas within a few clicks.

Hook Generator for Essays

Craft engaging hooks for any paper to grab your readers' attention in no time.

Essay Outline Generator

Generate well-structured outlines for your essays within seconds using our free tool.

Essay Expander Tool

Need to add more content to your paper? Try our free online tool and expand any essay easily!

Transition Phrase Generator

Generate transition phrases for smooth essay flow in no time with our handy online tool.

Transition Sentence Maker

Create transition sentences to connect different parts of your essay within only 3 clicks.

Transition Words Maker

Generate transition words to improve the coherence of your essay in no time using our free tool.

Creative Writing Tools

Boost your creativity with tools that are a perfect fit for brainstorming. Use them for free and take your writing to the next level.


Chat GPT Detection Tool

Verify the authenticity of text by detecting if it was written by ChatGPT or any other AI generator.

Plagiarism Checker

Ensure your work is unique and free of plagiarism, maintaining academic integrity.

Poem Paraphrasing Tool

Easily rewrite poems while preserving their original meaning with our user-friendly tool.

Poem Generator

Craft original poems effortlessly with our easy-to-use poem generator, sparking your creativity.

Poem Analysis Generator

Analyze poems quickly and effectively, enhancing your understanding of poetic works.

Speech Generator

Create impactful speeches for various occasions easily and quickly with our free online tool.

Read My Paper to Me

Turn your paper into audio and have it read aloud for easy proofreading and editing.

Rhetorical Analysis Generator

Analyze literature rhetorical devices effortlessly and enhance persuasive techniques understanding.

Quote Analysis Generator

Assess quotes with ease and get help with the interpretation of meaningful quotations.

Personal Statement Generator

Create compelling personal statements, highlighting your unique qualities and achievements.

Study Notes Generator

Generate study notes quickly and organize any information more efficiently.

Question Maker

Craft questions from any text with no time using our free online question maker.

Key Points Generator

Get key points from any text for easy understanding with our free key points generator.

Essays Summary Generator

Extract the main ideas and arguments from any paper within a couple of clicks.

Debate Argument Generator

Formulate persuasive arguments for debates or discussions with our free online tool.

Case Study Analysis Generator

Analyze case studies with ease with the help of StudyCorgi’s free online generator.

AI Abstract Generator

Generate abstracts for research papers using the latest AI technologies and save your precious time.

Research Tools

Stuck with research? Try our quick tools to ease your writing process: question and hypothesis makers, thesis generators, and more.

Research Title Generator

Generate attention-grabbing titles for your research papers with our free Title Generator.

Research Question Maker

Create engaging and relevant research questions for your studies within just a few clicks.

Research Purpose Generator

Clearly define the purpose of your research and frame your studies using StudyCorgi’s free online tool.

Research Problem Generator

Need help with formulating research problems? Use our free tool and generate them in no time!

Research Paper Rephraser

Rewrite any research paper with ease while maintaining accuracy and originality.

Research Objectives Maker

Develop clear and achievable research objectives with our free online tool.

Research Introduction Maker

Craft engaging and informative introductions for your research papers within only a few clicks.

Research Hypothesis Maker

Create workable research hypotheses with ease: just add the data and press the button!

Thesis Maker

Craft strong and concise theses for your research papers in almost no time with our free tool.

Argumentative Thesis Generator

Develop persuasive argumentative theses for your research papers within a couple of clicks.

Informative Thesis Generator

Create informative and well-structured theses for your research papers using our free online tool.

Analytical Thesis Generator

Craft analytical theses that analyze and interpret data effectively in a matter of seconds.

Thesis Rephraser

Rephrase your theses while maintaining clarity and coherence using StudyCorgi’s free tool.

Citation Machine

Simplify the process of creating citations in various styles, including APA, MLA, and Chicago, with StudyCorgi’s automated citation generators.

All Styles

Generate citations in APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Turabian, and more with our free Citation Machine.


Make accurate APA 7th edition citations within seconds using our free citation maker.


Craft MLA citations for your sources with ease using StudyCorgi’s online citation generator.


Generate Harvard citations in no time and within only a few clicks with the help of our free online tool.

Chicago NB

Create Chicago NB style citations for any type of sources with StudyCorgi Citation Machine.

Chicago AD

Generate Chicago AD style citations and references in a few seconds with our free Citation Machine.


Get Turabian style citations and reference list for any source in no time with our online Citation Maker.

Title Page Generators

Create professional-looking title pages for your papers with easy using our free online title page generators.

APA Title Page Generator

Easily generate APA title pages for your papers using our free online tool.

MLA Cover Page Generator

Create MLA cover pages for any paper within a few clicks: just fill in the form and press the button!

Harvard Cover Page Maker

Craft cover pages in Harvard style in no time with our intuitive Cover Page Maker.

Chicago Title Page Maker

Generate Chicago-style title pages with ease within seconds using StudyCorgi’s Title Page Maker.

Turabian Title Page Generator

Making Turabian-style title pages has never been easier! Just fill in the blanks and press the button.

Business Tools

Explore tools for strategic analysis, marketing assistance, organization management, and environmental analysis to help streamline and improve your business operations.

Strategic Analysis

Access tools for conducting SWOT analyses, Porter's Five Forces analysis, and other strategic planning tools.

SWOT Analysis

Conduct thorough SWOT analyses in seconds with our easy-to-use free online tool.

SOAR Analysis

Perform strategic SOAR analyses and get a perfect custom matrix for your business project.

VRIO Analysis

Stuck with VRIO analysis? Look no further! With our free online tool you can finish in no time.

PESTEL Analysis

Craft comprehensive PESTEL chart with our free and easy-to-use online tool.

Porter’s Five Forces

Analyze industry competitiveness with ease using our free Porter’s Five Forces Tool.

Marketing Tools

Enhance your marketing studies with our free tools for vision and mission generation, and market analysis.

7Ps Template

Try our free 7Ps marketing template and develop effective marketing strategies with ease!

STP Template

Develop effective STP strategies in no time using our free STP marketing template.

Mission Statement Generator

Craft impactful mission statements for your business within only a few clicks.

Vision Statement Generator

Create inspiring vision statements for your organization with no time using our free online tool.

Management Tools

Streamline your management research with StudyCorgi’s free tools for operation analysis.

7S McKinsey Template

Analyze your organization's effectiveness using the 7S McKinsey model with our free template.

SMART Template

Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals using our free SMART template.

VMOST Template

Develop strategic plans easily using the VMOST framework with our template.

Environmental Analysis

Stuck with business environment analysis? Use our free online tools to make your research easier and faster!

DESTEP Template

Get a thorough analysis of DESTEP factors affecting your business with our free online template.

STEEPLE Template

Conduct STEEPLE analysis with our template to assess external factors impacting businesses.