StudyCorgi expectations:

  • We want to remain at the forefront of educational and academic services, so we ensure that customers understand the correct, legitimate, and ethical way to use our products and services.
  • We expect that if used properly, StudyCorgi can be a great ease to your study life.
  • This Honor Code is designed to guide users when using our services and ensure that they understand how StudyCorgi products should be used.

How to use StudyCorgi and its services appropriately and ethically:

  • Review the delivered product to understand how we addressed the topic. For example, a sample assignment can help you to understand how the topic should be handled and which approach to take while editing services can help you to identify gaps in your own content.
  • Annotate the content for useful facts, references, research findings, and ideas for your own work. Then, use your annotations and notes to develop your own, original content, ideas, and conclusions.
  • Review the sources presented in any of our products to ensure that you fully understand the underlying facts and findings to fuel your own work.
  • Gather all of your findings, notes, and research results to form a basis for your own work or its adjustments, depending on the type of service used.
  • Use our products and services as guidance for structure, quality of sources, and other defining aspects of delivered content. It is strictly forbidden to misuse StudyCorgi products and services. This includes knowingly facilitating any forms of academic cheating, plagiarizing, or participating in activities that create circumstances for academic dishonesty in any form.