The Maslow Assessment Test

The Maslow Assessment Test was researched and developed by Abraham Maslow, founder of the school of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology.

He believed that our development as human beings could be viewed in a multi-level, almost pyramid-like set up corresponding to our personal development in the fields of safety, self-esteem, aesthetic needs, self-actualization, and self-transcendence

I have never been one who is comfortable with taking any sort of test. Most especially the kind that attempts to read my personality accurately, like the Maslow Assessment Test, because I have this belief that I am a highly complex person and no test can ever actually peel away at the onion layers of my skin. However, that opinion changed after I took the Maslow Assessment Test for this class.

To begin with, the test asks you common, everyday questions and assesses you in various situations that you normally find yourself in or thinking about being in, thereby asking you to assess your vision of individuality and corresponding needs.

I was truly surprised by the ability of the test to accurately read my personal development in the various fields as it rated me from Not Accurate to Very Accurate. This test gave me results that I could attest to the results by simply asking questions about my everyday life.

I felt that I had a better understanding of myself and the areas of my personal life that lacked growth and development by the time I ended reading my test results at the online exam page.

Professionals have such a high opinion of the Maslow test results that it has become the basis for several other tests given by universities such as Stanford Research Institute’s ” Values And Lifestyle Survey.”

The value of Maslow’s work has influenced every result in the field of psychoanalysis that the Maslow Assessment Test has become the default standard of rating the test results.

According to Kalman (2007), “Going beyond the more common demographic segmentation (by race, sex, class, age, income, education), motivation-based ‘psychographic’ segmentation of markets, audiences, voters etc undertaken for organisations including businesses, political parties, NGOs and even football teams has proven very valuable. ” (Kalman, 2007).

If you were to look into the basis of Maslow’s testing process on a much deeper basis, you would see that he based his tests upon the natural need of man to provide for his own needs and security. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out where he was (successfully) going with this test.

By assessing our individual need for self-protection, he discovered the areas upon where each person still has underlying, unknown insecurity that needs to be addressed and fulfilled.

My test results showed me that which I already knew, and that which I thought I knew but did not. Such outcomes have given me an opportunity to better plan my life now.

That means I will continue to grow in the aspects where I have shown proper development and begin to grow or alter my growth pattern in the areas of my life where I am wanting in terms of developing as an individual.

Overall, I would recommend that anybody who has an inner desire or a need to discover their self-esteem and development problems take the Maslow Assessment Test. I know that somehow, the test has changed my life for the better. It can do so for others as well.


Boeree, C. George. (2006). Abraham Maslow.

Kalman, Matthew (2007). Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs (+ And Beyond). Web.

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