10 Things I Hate About You Comedy by Lazar

It is generally accepted that comedy is always funny, but this is not always true. Sometimes dramas and tragedies have humorous moments, but that does not make them comedies. The main feature of comedy, among other genres, is that the characters receive what they want, and the plot always has a happy ending. A perfect example of this literary style is the movie ‘10 Things I Hate About You’. At the movie’s opening, a young boy appears who falls in love with Bianca Stanford at first sight. Bianca is famous, while Cameron is a young boy who is not popular at school (Lazar, 1999). Additionally, several obstacles do not allow them to be together. Bianca’s dad does not permit her to have boyfriends and establishes that Bianca will be entitled to have one if her older sister has a relationship. The next reason is that Bianca dreamed of being Joey’s girlfriend, the coolest guy in school.

In the middle of the comedy, the location changes to a library, Cameron offers to help Bianca in French and learns that she cannot meet the boys. He comes up with a cunning plan and pays Patrick to win the heart of Bianca’s sister. As a result, a father would allow Bianca to have a relationship (Lazar, 1999). Cameron made a mistake, his plan went awry, and everything seemed hopeless because Bianca decided to date Joey and did not notice the protagonist.

Although, at the end, when the girl recognized that Joey was self-conscious and did not care about her feelings, she finally turned her attention to Cameron, who was always ready to help. The girl realized that he had solved her problem with the father and was generously in love with her, so Bianca decided that he was the partner she deserved. Bianca went to the graduation party with Cameron and was delighted as the heroine realized she had made the right choice (Lazar, 1999). That is worth stating that the film has a happy ending; after the prom, the main characters continue their relationship. Thus, this comedy proves that real feelings can overcome all challenges.


Lazar, A. (1999). 10 things I hate about you [Film]. Touchstone Pictures.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "10 Things I Hate About You Comedy by Lazar." April 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/10-things-i-hate-about-you-comedy-by-lazar/.

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