4PS Marketing Approaches and Advertisement Type


There are several similarities between the 4Ps marketing approach and the value perspective. Both value and 4Ps market approaches aim at related objectives in the market growth and development for the organizations’ products and profit maximization. In both techniques, the initial commodity is manufactured as per customers’ demands and needs (Nuraini & Purwanegara, 2020). The 4Ps marketing approach is quite different from the value trading perspective. It focuses on product, price, promotion, and place, while the utility technique concentrates on the creation, communication, and value addition to the products. 4Ps focal point is on the product, whereas the value approach focuses on the outputs’ worth, adds merit to the product for the benefit of consumers, stakeholders, as well as the organization. 4Ps is a traditional marketing way, while the value approach was established some years later. This paper discusses advertisement types and Maslow’s Hierarchy needs for each. It also highlights customer segmentation of each ad and uses one to show its difference internationally.

Two Advertisement Types and Abraham Maslow’s Needs for Each

Glaceau Smart Water, owned by the Coca-Cola company, which provides bottled water worldwide, has changed the status quo of the package physical appearance both inside and out. They have advertisements on their website, stating that water should hydrate an individual and taste good (Smart­water, n.d.). The ad also lists the primary constituents for giving a fresh, pure, and crisps unique taste (Smart­water, n.d.). Humans cannot live without water, and it is consumed daily. In Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy, Smart-water ads fit in the psychological category. This is because psychological needs are peoples’ most basic necessity of physical survival (Poirier & Devraj, 2019).

The other one is Dove Soaps, whereby the company advertises that its products are the best for skincare as the users feel and look soft. The company’s adverts also state that the output is soap and a beauty bar going beyond nourishing and cleansing the skin by washing germs and dirt from customers’ skins. They have many diverse soaps that cater to various categories of consumers, including children. Their type of advertisement, according to Maslow’s Hierarchy, falls under safety. It means that their products secure the body, resources, morality, employment, health, and property (Shareef et al., 2016). According to Hartzler et al. (2018), individuals want to feel safe and purchase certain products. The company concentrates on families’ health and showing the family protection and well-being need by eliminating bacteria and germs that can cause illnesses.

Consumer Segmentation

Everyone should drink water but, Smart water adverts target individuals between the ages of 18-34 and those in stylish and active in the medium class. It passes the message that water is influenced by how Mother Nature enables it to gain to interest and attention. The firm has been reaching its target market segment by placing ads on fitness, sports and health magazines/channels seen by most of the targeted audience. Additionally, Dove Soap adverts are focused mostly on households, mainly those with little kids. Other advertisements concerning different products target women active in digital social media. The firm concentrates on ladies between 18-35 years who love beauty and natural products.

Differences in the International Version

On the international level, Dove Soap focuses on the phrase “wash to care” (Dove, n.d.). It means that people should wash their hands to stop and reduce the spread of infections or diseases such as COVID-19. Their expression is supported by the WHO (World Health Organization), which emphasizes the importance of washing hands properly and often to reduce the corona virus’s spread. The international version is different from the standard one since the global model stresses reducing and stopping the spread of COVID-19. Simultaneously, the local mission focuses on smooth and soft skin regarding the diverse nourishment from the products.

In conclusion, the underlying psychology and marketing aspects used in the change of advertisement focus on the spread of the pandemic coronavirus. The company now concentrates on the public to properly wash their hands. They believe that with better hand washing procedures and their products, the pandemic’s spread can be slowed down.


Dove. (n.d.). Beauty bar. Dove US. (2020). 

Hartzler, A., Osterhage, K., Demiris, G., Phelan, E., Thielke, S. & Turner, A., (2018). Understanding views on everyday use of personal health information: Insights from community-dwelling older adults. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 43(3), 320-333. 

Nuraini, S., & Purwanegara, M., (2020). Business strategy for Longgar Outfit as a new fashion brand. Tourism and Sustainable Development Review, 1(1), 14-24.

Poirier, T., & Devraj, R. (2019). Pharmacy in an Improved Health Care Delivery Model Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 83(8).

Shareef, M., Dwivedi, Y., & Kumar, V. (2016). Online consumer behavior and marketing. In Springer, C. (Ed.) Mobile marketing channel (pp. 1-24).

Smartwater, (n.d.). Smartwater brands & products | The Coca-Cola company. The Coca-Cola company: Refresh the world. Make a difference. Web.

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