A Good Leader: The Main Qualities

A good leader should be motivated to know how to inspire others. For example, he or she is a role model for his or her workers by showing his career success. Attentiveness forces an employer to differentiate the motives of their employees. To illustrate, when a leader knows that one size does not fit all, he or she can provide people with their desires while benefiting their work. Additionally, a good leader is knowledgeable as it enables him to cover his employees’ performance gaps. Demotivation, as an example, can be resolved through counseling or coaching, depending on the reasons. A knowledgeable leader knows how to play the person’s strengths, identify what holds them back, and take them to the next level. Finally, a person who wants to be a good leader should learn authentic conversation. It facilitates his ability to connect with others. For instance, some people rely on humor while others rely on a more formal conversation.

Mr. Behar’s interview (2016) is unique because he sounds credible to his audience. Throughout the conversation, he relies on his personal experience, which leaves no doubts in his listeners. He mentions his career path lasting for 30 years, forcing others to trust him (Behar, 2016). Moreover, he delivers information in a concise and accessible form covering most of his audience’s concerns. His reliance on his personal opinion does not repel the audience but attracts it.

Bill Gates is an example of an excellent, inspiring leader and philanthropist. He gently approaches his workers by observing them and determining their success drivers. His passion and working long hours on the software programming (Beverly, 2022). Furthermore, he constantly helps his employees to evolve as he shows them the right path and shares experiences. Therefore, he can cover the performance gaps of his workers in Microsoft by identifying their strengths and weaknesses.


Behar, N. [Selling Power] (2016). Motivation and leadership tips for high-impact sales managers [Video]. Youtube. Web.

Beverly, E. (2022). How Bill Gates became a leadership legend. Image Station. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "A Good Leader: The Main Qualities." August 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-good-leader-the-main-qualities/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "A Good Leader: The Main Qualities." August 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-good-leader-the-main-qualities/.

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