A Jury System in Legalville Overview

Although the city of Legalville has a strong legal system that has enabled the community to develop sustainably for years, it should undergo certain changes in order to address the needs of modern society. One of the novelties that can help the community evolve is the introduction of a jury system. This approach has been widely used in various countries and communities of the United States, and the system has proved to be effective. Legalville will also benefit from the use of this model, especially when it comes to criminal trials.

One of the benefits of the jury system is its positive effect on people’s awareness of the overall legal structure and enhanced trust in the system and authorities. People have an opportunity to acknowledge how criminal cases are addressed and make sure that equity and justice are the primary values guiding the process. The community of Legalville is now undergoing changes as the population is growing at a significant pace, so it can be beneficial to make people engaged in the legal system.

The focus should be on criminal trials as such cases are associated with the harm caused to the entire community, so people have the right to affect the made decisions. Importantly, jurors will be defendants’ peers, so everyone will know that the case is decided based on the experiences of people with a similar background rather than a representative of the authorities. As far as civil trials, young graduates from Legalville law school have the necessary expertise and people’s trust to solve disputes between individuals.

It is necessary to note that the city has never had a jury system, which may lead to certain difficulties during the implementation of change. The residents of the city do not have the necessary skills and knowledge, so they may have a very limited understanding of the peculiarities of the process. For example, one of the most common criticisms of this approach is related to the use of evidence.

The opponents of the system believed that people, having no specific knowledge in law, do not understand how exactly to make decisions based on certain types of evidence. Jurors can think that some piece of evidence is critical while it can have a doubtful relevance. However, Legalville has sophisticated and well-established evidence law that ensures the admissibility of a proper body of evidence. Therefore, jurors will take into account sound evidence, and their decision will be well-informed.

Finally, the number of jurors (twelve) will also ensure making optimal decisions. Nine out of twelve jurors will have to agree to issue a verdict, so they will have an opportunity to discuss all the details and pay attention to diverse aspects of the case. The jury system will be mandatory for criminal trials, so the defendant will understand that not a single judge but the people of Legalville will make the major decision regarding their future.

On balance, it is necessary to state that a jury system in the criminal court will help Legalville develop in a sustainable way. The involvement of residents will enhance people’s trust in the associated procedures. Although some difficulties may arise, this approach will be beneficial for the city. Clearly, the implementation of change will be supported by a proper educational campaign aimed at making people acquainted with the peculiarities of the new model and the roles they will play in the process.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, February 7). A Jury System in Legalville Overview. https://studycorgi.com/a-jury-system-in-legalville-overview/

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1. StudyCorgi. "A Jury System in Legalville Overview." February 7, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-jury-system-in-legalville-overview/.


StudyCorgi. "A Jury System in Legalville Overview." February 7, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-jury-system-in-legalville-overview/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "A Jury System in Legalville Overview." February 7, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-jury-system-in-legalville-overview/.

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