A Manager’s Role in Increasing Creativity

In many developed companies, managers play an essential role in increasing creativity since it is necessary to produce something radically new.

To increase creativity, managers, and leaders of companies must be open to new things. One of the most important strategic purposes of leadership is to foster employee creativity (Vele, n.d.). Amabile & Khaire (2008) state that managers should look for sources of creativity outside the organization. Managers can also ask new employees to share creative ideas, as they have a fresh look at the organization and can offer something completely new and not standard (Changeboard Team, 2019). In the process of delegating creative tasks to managers, it is necessary to monitor their implementation. This is a difficult point, as control can hinder employees’ creativity due to pressure or tight deadlines. (Nawaz et al., 2011). Individual and environmental factors combine to influence the cognitive process by which new and useful ideas are generated. (Thompson, 2017). In this regard, the leader must come up with a way to evaluate employees’ creativity so that it has a negative impact on their creativity and promotes new ideas.

Creativity also contributes to the development of innovation, and managers need to gather a staff of people responsible for this development. Creativity, in fact, brings something new to the organization that sets it apart from other enterprises (Javed et al., 2018). The innovative capabilities of individual employees are essential characteristics and help the organization to create a competitive advantage (Ghosh, 2015). Muzzio & Paiva (2018, p. 925) claim that the manager’s role is also to understand the means that will help promote creativity and identify those that will hinder it. The manager must identify solid creative skills in certain employees and involve them in working on its innovations.

Innovation is a process, not a short-term moment of inspiration. For example, Pixar cartoons are not created simultaneously, and it is needed to go a long way from sketches to the whole cartoon tape. Creative people show a creative attitude to leadership (Guo et al., 2016). Creators need to think through every moment, and that is what creativity is for.

Reference List

Amabile, T. and Khaire, M. (2008). ‘Creativity and the role of the leader’, Harvard Business Review. Web.

Changeboard Team (2019). ’13 ways for leaders to increase creativity in the workplace’, Changeboard. Web.

Ghosh, K. (2015). ‘Developing organizational creativity and innovation’, Management research review, 38(11), pp. 1126-1148.

Guo, J., Dilley, A. and Gonzalez, R. (2016). ‘Creativity and leadership in organizations: A literature review’, Creativity Theories, 3(1), pp. 127-151.

Javed, B., Rawwas, M., Khandai, S., Shahis, K. and Tayyeb, H. (2018). ‘Ethical leadership, trust in leader and creativity: The media mechanism and an interacting effect’, Journal of Management & Organization, 24(3), pp. 388-405.

Muzzio, H. and Paiva, F. (2018). ‘Organizational creativity management: discussion elements’, ANPAD, 6(6), pp. 922-939.

Nawaz, M., Nawaz, M. and Danish, R. (2011). ‘Role of leadership to nurture creativity in organizations’, Business and social sciences review, 1(5), pp. 5-29.

Thompson, N.A. (2018). ‘Imagination and creativity in organizations’, Sage, 39(2-3), pp. 229-250.

Vele, C. (n.d.) ‘Using effective leadership to enhance creativity’, pp. 272-280.

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