A Pet Business Project Analysis

Today, many people have dogs, cats, and other pets that become full-fledged family members. Pet owners often need particular assistance in ensuring a happy life for furry friends. The term project will focus on creating a pet business that offers walking, sitting, grooming, and training services. Therefore, the pet business is a favorable option because the demand for such services will be constant due to the growing number of people fostering pets.

The project objectives will be divided into three categories, including profit, pet care, and customer education. Profit is the main objective of any business, and pet services are not excluded. Pet care will focus on the mentioned services with the involvement of professional staff. Finally, customer education will aim to instruct and conduct workshops for pet owners. For instance, the main topics can be dog training, cat care, rabbit or bird breeding, and so forth.

The measures by which the project will be determined a success include planning, executing, and monitoring. Planning is the most crucial part, as it helps to identify costs, potential risks, communication, and quality issues (Miller, 2019). Under executing, one should understand the ability of a manager to provide employees with acceptable work conditions and facilitate conflict or problem resolutions (Miller, 2019). Finally, monitoring is also essential because it controls the project’s progress and maintains the budget.

The present project has particular assumptions and constraints. On the one hand, it will help pet owners to maintain their lives with pets and learn something new. Moreover, the demand for such services promises to be constant or grow because pets appear in many households. On the other hand, the key constraint concerns the location and availability of premises for such an extensive initiative. Moreover, at the initial stages, the requirements will include obtaining relevant licenses that permit working with pets (Surety1, n.d.). In addition, business insurance will be needed for cases of financial or legal damages (Surety1, n.d.). Finding suitable premises is also an important task because grooming, training, and workshops require a large area. Given the nature of the present business project, the waterfall management methodology is the most suitable. This choice is conditioned by the clearly stated requirements that will not change (Teamwork, n.d.). Moreover, thorough planning allows the project to be more predictable.

The pet business will have many stakeholders, requiring a specific approach to stakeholder management. The ‘manage closely’ category will include employees, owners and their pets because their management and interaction will occur daily. Moreover, employees will be provided with all necessary work conditions and benefits. Customers and pets will also go to the ‘keep satisfied’ group since they are going to use the services offered. One must also provide high-quality services and control this process within this domain. Suppliers, distributors, and animal rights protection organizations are in the ‘keep informed’ category. The first two groups should know whether some products or appliances for grooming and training are needed, so the business must provide them with this information. In addition, informing animal rights protection organizations will ensure compliance with the latest legal and pet care standards and help maintain a reliable business reputation. Finally, the government is included in the ‘monitor’ category because after receiving all the necessary licenses and permissions, the business should keep abreast of legislative changes concerning animals and pet care.

Finally, creating a pet business project appears to be both exciting and challenging. The most interesting stances were related to selecting the services to offer future customers. However, the most challenging part concerned preliminary requirements and stakeholders. Due to uncertainty, it has been complicated to identify precise requirements for starting a project. As for stakeholders, there is a need to plan the interaction between them and the business more thoroughly. The main recommendation for creating a charter is to plan even the smallest parts and activities as comprehensively as possible since it helps to predict potential risks and have an action plan for them.


Miller, K. (2019). What does a project manager do? Roles and responsibilities. Northeastern University. Web.

Surety1. (n.d.). How to start a pet sitting business. Surety1. Web.

Teamwork. (n.d.). Which project management methodologies should you use? Teamwork. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "A Pet Business Project Analysis." January 29, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/a-pet-business-project-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "A Pet Business Project Analysis." January 29, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/a-pet-business-project-analysis/.

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