A Policy Change Model: Cannabis Discussion

Due to cannabis’s dubious aspect, the evaluative discussion of why nations should authorize medical and recreational marijuana is still hotly contested and divisive in many places. Research can, at most, contribute to this debate in a limited way (Knopf, 2019). Due to the abundance of decades’ worth of proof on the effect and regulatory oversight of other presumably pleasurable or else harmful items, such as sugary drinks, alcohol, and cigarettes, the general scientific study can and ought to play a significant role in the discourse of strategy areas that will help compliance regimes ensure maximum public health.

An excellent example of a model to utilize when referring to the MORE Act is reducing the strength of cannabis products. The Iron Law of Prohibition, which held that since the illegality of drugs attributed to them being illicit, their potency increased with time, was employed by some drug policy observers (Bilaonova et al., 2021). This is false because legal substances like alcohol, cigarettes, and medicines have grown significantly more potent. Absent legislation that sets a limitation, legalization in and of itself does not affect intensity (Knopf, 2019). Increased potency raises concerns since it increases the likelihood of negative mental consequences, has a higher ability to convert occasional consumers into regular users, and can lead to cannabinoid use disorders.

The best way to implement the policy would be by establishing package restrictions for oils and other edible cannabinoids by governing organizations of specialists instead of the marijuana market. Hence, it is appropriate to forbid substances like cannabis in liquor or marijuana in cigarettes while enforcing restrictions tailored to and applied to high-strength marijuana products like bongs (Knopf, 2019). The hazards of vaping that may differentiate from other marijuana commodities might be communicated by mandating that any cannabinoid product offered for smoking or in vaping form bear the disclaimer “Warning; marijuana smoke has carcinogens.” While research catches up with the complexity of contemporary consumables, limiting the strength of cannabidiol can reduce the yet-to-be-discovered impacts of potent cannabis (Smith & Merolla, 2020). The THC concentration per pack and strength restrictions for smoked products set forth by the California Department of Public Health is an excellent place to start.


Bilaonova, A., Phillips, J., & Anderson, K. (2021). Comparison of CBD and cannabis use motives. Cannabis, 4(2), 60–68. Web.

Knopf, A. (2019). Legalization of marijuana takes another step forward. Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly, 31(45), 5–6. Web.

Smith, J. P., & Merolla, D. M. (2020). Puff, puff, pass. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 17(1), 189–206. Web.

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