A Post-Shooting Tragedy Psychological Program

After the shooting occurred, those affected tragedies always experience the impact that is usually directly or indirectly. Therefore, based on the scenario, a program deemed beneficial ensures the affected persons are stable psychologically and remain productive in society. Therefore, outreach which are events that are planned in houses, gathering places, and shelters in the damaged neighborhoods. They seek to offer emotional assistance after the incident shooting (Campbell., 2015). Outreach helps victims communicate and comprehend their tension, difficulties sleeping and thinking properly, and mourning reactions, assisting them to regain their equilibrium and operate.

Additionally, the recovery process toward a good conclusion will be aided by collaboration, education, and consultation with medical emergency workers caring for the injured. It’s critical to determine whether the population is dealing not just with the disaster’s effects but also with various physical and mental health issues that existed before the tragedy (Lunn et al., 2021). Therefore, therapy such as group therapy programs can play a key role in ensuring the members affected get relieved from the shooting tragedy.

In post-tragedy mechanisms, programs may create awareness and understanding. They may create disaster management skills, assisting in improving crisis awareness and expanding organizational leaders’, members’, and stakeholders’ knowledge of crisis management. Additionally, because organizations under pressure naturally attempt to limit the free circulation of information, communication is crucial during times of crisis (Wang et al., 2010). Therefore, while cultivating a crisis mindset is vital, creating an all-encompassing crisis management plan is more crucial to ensure there are proper guidelines to ensure no issue arises. However, every step of the tragedy management process should include learning to manage a crisis successfully and effective decision-making.


Campbell, A. T. (2015). Is there a therapeutic way to balance community sentiment, student mental health, and student safety to address campus-related violence? In Handbook of Community Sentiment (pp. 199-211). Springer, New York, NY.

Lunn, L., Campion, K., James, S., & Velez, G. (2021). A framework for guiding transformative growth after school shootings. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 27(3), 486.

Wang, J., & Hutchins, H. M. (2010). Crisis management in higher education: what have we learned from Virginia tech? Advances in Developing Human Resources, 12(5), 552-572.

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1. StudyCorgi. "A Post-Shooting Tragedy Psychological Program." July 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-post-shooting-tragedy-psychological-program/.


StudyCorgi. "A Post-Shooting Tragedy Psychological Program." July 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-post-shooting-tragedy-psychological-program/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "A Post-Shooting Tragedy Psychological Program." July 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-post-shooting-tragedy-psychological-program/.

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