“A Thousand Cuts,” a documentary, was filmed to inform the world about numerous and moving situations that female journalists experience in the line of duty. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 states that everyone has the right to freedom of expression, meaning that every individual has the right to hold opinions without any interference and the capacity to receive, seek, and impart ideas and information through the media regardless of the borderlines. “A Thousand Cuts, “at some point through a dialogue between Maria Ressa and President Rodrigo Duterte, explains how Maria Ressa faced opposition from the Philippine government. In the dialogue, the president indicates that the journalists should not assume that they are a saver and free from assassination. Additionally, in a dialogue between Maria Ressa and her employees, in her media company known as Rappler, Maria warns them against propaganda, for there are consequences. The world has evolved, and much information is learned through social media. Women have the right to be part of media, share ideas freely, and impart the world positively.
Maria Ressa faces several arrests for fake news allegations by the Philippine government. Allegations cause more fear for women in media, but Maria Ressa expresses boldness and exposes the government’s illegal acts and, in a dialogue with the media, states that she has done nothing wrong. Besides, Maria Ressa, in a dialogue with other media houses, informs the world that if they do not utilize their rights, they will lose them. Men should be granted the chance to exercise their rights, especially in the media. Most political stories and occasions are aired by male journalists, for the world believes that women have less knowledge when it comes to politics. In a dialogue with the media, the president announces that the situation would worsen to a bloody situation that did not threaten Maria’s determination.