Abortion and Human Development: Analysis of Bibliographic Sources

The Trustees of Princeton University. (n.d.). When do human beings begin? Princeton University. Web.

In this source, the author researches the human being question from the biological point of view. Various factors and specifications, such as chromosomes and sperm peculiarities, are considered. The author states various notions, such as gametogenesis, oogenesis, and spermatogenesis (The Trustees of Princeton University, n. d.). For example, according to The Trustees of Princeton University (n.d.), “gametogenesis is the process that converts primordial germ cells” (p. 1). The process of fertilization, which follows the issues mentioned above, is also explored in the article.

Further, the article describes various scientific myths and facts. For example, the author considers the myth regarding the opinion that abortions could not be considered as life destruction. Some people believe in that because of the notion that abortion destroys only a sperm. However, the author states that it destroys the human being because the sperm contains a combination of various lifetable features that create life (The Trustees of Princeton University, n. d.).

As for the author’s background, one should state that Dianne N. has a Ph.D. degree. As the intended audience, it is possible to state that the information is aimed at people interested in biology and human sciences. Moreover, it can be helpful for students and researchers because the paper contains numbers and statistics. This factor also resulted in the source’s relevance to the current study.

Paul, J. (n.d.). Every human life is sacred: EWTN. EWTN Global Catholic Television Network. Web.

Compared to the previous resource, the article by Paul (n. d.) explores the notion of the human being from a religious point of view. The author quotes various phrases from the Holy Bible to understand God’s human perception. Remarkably, the primary attention is on the birth of Jesus Christ and his purpose on earth (Paul, n. d.). As the purpose of the human being, the author considers the service to God (Paul, n. d.). At the end of the paper, Paul (n. d.) invites the readers to pray for important things and for saving people’s lives.

While evaluating the author’s background, it is vital to state that Paul is Pope. As the intended audience, it could be aimed at religious people who ask themselves philosophical questions concerning human life and purpose. As the source is relevant to the current research, it could be essential to have an alternative position: religious perception.

Where nurse organizations stand on the overturning of Roe v. Wade. NurseJournal. (2022). Web.

The article by Alexa Davidson in NurseJournal (2022) considers the central theme regarding abortion. Notably, the author asks what nurses should do: obey the laws or provide patients with necessary treatments. The article contains various citations from associations, such as the American Nurses Association, the National League for Nursing, and others (NurseJournal, 2022). These associations describe the harm to healthcare because of the new laws regarding the abortion ban.

The author’s background is that she is a registered nurse and health writer with considerable experience. The intended audience could be every person who is worrying about the current situation of laws regarding abortions in the U.S. This source is relevant to the current study because it contains vital information about the positions of many associations on the question of abortion.

Laurie Ray, D. (2022). Fetus or baby? Why language around pregnancy matters. Clue Period & Ovulation Tracker with Ovulation Calendar for iOS, Android, and watchOS. Web.

In this article, Laurie D (2022) explores different stages of human development in the pubertal period. The primary steps are the embryonic stage, fetus formation, and birth (Laurie, 2022). Specific characteristics of each stage are considered.

Laurie is a science content writer and researcher with significant experience. As the intended audience, it could be biologists, lawyers, and people interested in the processes of the pubertal period. As relevant for the current study, the source is crucial to explore human development stages in the context of abortion.

Sexual and reproductive health – and enterprise. (n.d.). Web.

The authors discover specific laws and policies related to nurses and abortion. Particular attention is paid to sexual and reproductive health (SRH). The paper discovers particular notions such as access to contraception, sex education, and access to abortion care (Sexual and reproductive health, n. d.). The intended audience of the source is lawyers and healthcare providers. Its relevance to the research is based on the opportunity to profoundly explore the correlations between nurses’ duties and specific laws.


Rachels, J. (2019). The elements of moral philosophy. McGraw-Hill Education.

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StudyCorgi. "Abortion and Human Development: Analysis of Bibliographic Sources." March 2, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/abortion-and-human-development-analysis-of-bibliographic-sources/.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Abortion and Human Development: Analysis of Bibliographic Sources." March 2, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/abortion-and-human-development-analysis-of-bibliographic-sources/.

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