Achievements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act abbreviated as PPACA, also frequently referred to as Obamacare or Affordable Care Act (ACA), is a decree of the American federal government. It was signed into law on the 23rd of March 2010 by the President of the United States, Barack Obama. The law has elicited various reactions of a range of parties, from examiners to modifiers. The debate concerns the advantages and disadvantages of the ACA. Even though no project is perfect, some of the parties argue that Obamacare has failed in a way that makes it undesirable (Miller, 2011).

Human Events-Powerful Conservation Voices: CBO Director

In one of the latest posts on Human Events-Powerful Conservation Voices, the director of CBO argued that Obamacare would not create any job opportunities as predicted by Nancy Pelosi, the previous speaker of the house. He added that it would lead to more deficiencies and added that the Act would dictate employers to either reduce the number of workers in their health institutions or relocate them to part-time sections that are not legible to health insurance for them to comply with the regulations (Miller, 2011). His argument looks real due to the valid examples that he presented. For instance, the account of the Liberal Urban Institute released after his statement confirmed that Obamacare would reduce job opportunities.

Right-Wing Press’s Author

According to Tanner (2014), the author of an article posted in the Right-Wing Press on September, 28, Obamacare is a misfortune. He presented this idea as an actual state of events and supported it by the fact that there was no single place where the law succeeded (Tanner, 2014). Regardless of this truth, Tanner failed to sustain his argument with convincing facts. He argued vaguely and did not give any reference to the area, in which the law had failed. Tanner’s approach lacked certain skills and expertise; as a result, people could consider him to be on the same page with politicians like Senator Ted Cruz, who made similar comments and according to the designers of the Act, were simply noisemakers. Tanner pointed out that the Act had not yet made any significant impact in any area, but that could not convince the public and especially the experts on his own that Obamacare has failed.

New Republic’s Author

It is Jonathan Cohn, the editorial author for the New Republic that attempted to argue out the issue logically. In an article posted on September 29, 2014, Cohn took a stand similar to that taken by the Right-Wing Press author and the Keiser Family Foundation. He provided quotes to validate his claim. Cohn noted that Holman Jenkins, an editorial writer with the ‘Wall Street Journal,’ also gave the law an ‘F,’ claiming that Obamacare was not as bad in its opening year as many reviewers had expected. However, he acknowledged that it is far from meeting its required standards (Cohn, 2014).

Judgment of Obamacare’s Progress: My Perspective and the Reason

On my part, I take a different stand. The above-mentioned writers see failure in Obamacare due to their narrow view. In my opinion, it has achieved a lot given that it is yet to be established and gain stability. The available evidence suggests that the Act is working well as expected by its designers (Cohn, 2014). The authors failed to realize this because they faced it in a wider and more general context. Much like any other project, this Act has its own limitations. For this reason, one can conclude that each author’s analysis was biased.

Conclusion: Lesson Learned

A lesson drawn from this experience is that most authors tend to lack objectivity when presenting their opinions. Thus, their argument results in making judgments that lack evidence for the most part. When supporting a particular stand in a debate, authors ought to take both their and their opponents’ opinions into account. There is a need for the authors mentioned above to limit the number of biases and bring a sense of dialogue and compromise in their argument.

Reference List

Cohn, J. (2014). 7 charts that prove Obamacare is working. Web.

Miller, E. (2011). Top 10 failures of Obamacare after one year. Human Events. Web.

Tanner, M. (2014). On its one-year anniversary, ObamaCare gets an ‘F’. Web.

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