Adaptable Abilities of Workers in the Hospitality Industry

The assignment’s task was to discuss the adaptable abilities I have created at ICHM and on industry arrangements. I will likewise ponder these abilities I have procured and portray where I figure my vocation may take me later on.

Hospitality is one of the concepts of civilization, which, thanks to progress and time, has turned into a powerful industry in which millions of professionals work, creating the best for consumers of services. The hospitality industry includes various areas of human activity – tourism, recreation, entertainment, hotel and restaurant business, catering, excursion activities, organization of exhibitions and various scientific conferences. It is about more than just a human approach to service (Career Advice, 2020). It also includes advanced technologies for fast order processing and submission, providing well-coordinated technical issues in customer service, and warning of customer desires (Career Advice, 2020). Guests like it when they are not only taken care of but also their possible wishes are anticipated. Modern man is ready to pay decent money to have a good rest. Hotels and other popular holiday destinations and resorts should take this important point into account and strive for the satisfaction of the client.

My first work placement was Food and Beverage at Ibis Adelaide Hotel. The main goal of the type of professional activity: providing high-quality service of guests of catering enterprises with drinks, ensuring the efficiency of the catering enterprise, manufacturing products and serving consumers.

Currently, as a front desk specialist, I am liable for looking at lodging visitors in and out of their rooms. I am responsible for guaranteeing that each and every visitor has an agreeable stay in the hotel. Fundamental obligations of a front work area specialist are welcoming visitors to the front work area, addressing any inquiries, prescribing exercises and cafés to visitors, and noting any calls (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). The main goal of the professional activity: ensuring the efficient operation of hotel complexes and other accommodation facilities, provision of accommodation and catering services.

Customers’ wishes and needs come first, which is why the main goal of people working in hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and airlines is to focus on helping customers get an unforgettable experience and leave only good impressions.

I was able to learn several new skills and acquire qualities in this work which will help me become a professional and get better chances in following my future plans. One of the value obtained skills is customer focus. In terms of business, customer focus creates a flow of loyal customers, increases sales and helps to differentiate from competitors (Johnson, 2021).

Another advantage of working in the hotel business is that you are constantly in a multicultural environment. Guests come from all over the world, each of them needs to be understood and everything possible should be done for a comfortable stay. But that is not all. As a rule, the stuff of restaurants and hotels is international. They bring their culture, language, knowledge and experience based on the life and work in their home country. It is not easy to understand people from another “world”, but it allows you to expand your own boundaries, and become better and more professional.

Working in the hospitality industry involves communicating with people from different countries, so it is very important to understand the difference between the customs, beliefs, values ​​and attitudes of the Japanese, Germans, Russians, Arabs, and many others (Long, 2016). Be open-minded and respect other cultures and habits.

In hospitality, like in other areas, conflicts arise. Restaurant visitors may not like the long wait for a meal, while hotel guests may not like the view from the window and much more. If everything possible has been done to prevent a conflict, but it has occurred, it is very important how the hospitality service workers react and what measures they take. Companies are looking for people who seek to solve problems as soon as possible and at the same time find original ways out of the current situation.

In hotel and restaurant management, teamwork is another essential aspect. This is the key to success in providing the highest level of service. For example, working in a team helps to:

  • Make a tangible contribution to the work of the team, even if personal interests are not taken into account.
  • Demonstrate understanding of a common goal and how to achieve it
  • Clarify and understand the points of view of team members
  • Show a willingness to compromise
  • Show willingness to share responsibility and reward for the result
  • Create an atmosphere of respect, mutual assistance and cooperation
  • how to form a team that takes into account the strengths of each to achieve synergy
  • Inspire all team members to contribute to the development and achievement of goals
  • Provide clear feedback to all team members (Jones et al., 2016).

Thus, I believe this is one of the most important skills I have learned in the practical work.

The hospitality industry allowed me to develop not only professional but also personal qualities. I received hands-on training under the guidance of experienced mentors at the Ibis Adelaide Hotel, and restaurants and learned how to operate in a real business environment. So, along with the ability to work with finance, marketing and accounting, I developed soft skills, the ability to work in a team, leadership qualities, and boundless love for people and caring for them. Making a profit in this industry is an important component, but not the only one, the hotel business “revolves” around the guests.

I gained the ability to work in multitasking mode, resistance to stress, punctuality, sociability, responsibility, and teamwork. All mentioned knowledge will be helpful in creating my own business since any kind of business requires the ability to target and focus on customers, to understand people despite the diversity, to work with conflicts, and build a strong collaborative team that can support each other. This way, different positions at Ibis Adelaide Hotel provide me with unique experiences which is useful in working and communicating with clients.


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Indeed Editorial Team. (2021). Hospitality Skills: Definitions and Examples. Indeed Career Guide. Web.

Johnson, D. (2021). Why the Hospitality “Skills Gap” Has Become a “Skills Chasm” Due to COVID-19: By Daniel Johnson. Hospitality Net. Web.

Jones, P., Hillier, D., & Comfort, D. (2016). Sustainability in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(1), 36–67. Web.

Long, N. (2016). Competencies in the Hospitality Industry. Small Business – Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Adaptable Abilities of Workers in the Hospitality Industry." February 7, 2023.

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