Addressing Autism Spectrum Disorder and Water Safety: The SSS Program and Big Red Toolkit

Main Points Stated in the Article

The article discusses the issue of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) wandering away from safe places, often leading to tragic consequences such as drowning. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that 49% of parents of children with ASDs say that their children wander away from safe places, and 24% of those children who wander are at risk of drowning (Foster et al., 2014). Accidental drowning accounted for 91% of total U.S. deaths in children with ASDs between 2009 and 2011 (Foster et al., 2014).

In response to this issue, the Occupational Therapy Education Department at the University of Kansas developed the Sensory Supported Swimming (SSS) program to promote physical activity and increase the safety of children with ASDs (Foster et al., 2014). The program provides adaptive swimming lessons for children with ASDs, teaches water safety, and promotes engagement in physical activity within a supported environment.

Parent surveys indicate that children who participated in the SSS program had improved sleep, appetite, and behavior and were safer in and around water. The article also introduces the Big Red Toolkit, developed by Autism Wandering Awareness Alerts Response Education (AWAARE), which provides educational materials, caregiver resources, and safety devices such as wristbands and door alarms to help prevent children with ASDs from wandering (Foster et al., 2014). The SSS program keeps extra copies of the Big Red Toolkit as a resource for families and lay providers.

New Information Learned from the Article

By reading this article, I learned about the high rates of wandering and the increased risk of drowning in children with ASDs, as well as the development of the SSS program and the Big Red Toolkit as interventions to address these issues.

Application of Information in Clinical Practice

I would use this information in clinical practice by implementing the SSS program and the Big Red Toolkit as a resource for families of children with ASDs. I would also educate other staff members and me about the specific needs of children with ASDs regarding water safety.

Using the Information for Further Study and Research

For further study research, I would be interested in exploring the effectiveness of the SSS program in different settings and with different populations of children with ASDs. I would also be interested in studying the impact of the Big Red Toolkit on preventing wandering and promoting safety in children with ASDs.


Foster, L., Cox, J., & Mische-Lawson, L. (2014). Staying in sight: Addressing children’s mental health and safety. OT Practice. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, February 17). Addressing Autism Spectrum Disorder and Water Safety: The SSS Program and Big Red Toolkit.

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StudyCorgi. "Addressing Autism Spectrum Disorder and Water Safety: The SSS Program and Big Red Toolkit." February 17, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Addressing Autism Spectrum Disorder and Water Safety: The SSS Program and Big Red Toolkit." February 17, 2025.

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