The Hawkesbury region is a peaceful and beautiful landscape in New South Wales’s heart. Behind the beautiful façade, there is a growing problem of diabetes. The issue is rooted in the poor healthcare assistance and availability of hospitals that support those with this medical condition.
This paper will show the causes of the gap in medical services, evaluate data, and state the unique characteristics of the local population. Such databases as the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) and the Department of Finance, Service & Innovation – Spatial Services will be used for deep analysis and further investigation. These resources will help to identify the demographics and the number of hospitals in the area.
Prevalence and Characteristics
The process of diabetes prevalence in the Hawkesbury area is one the most important factors that identify the need for treatment services. According to the National Diabetes Services Scheme (2023), there are around 78,158 people in the general population. The data divides this group of people into two groups: Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. There are more Type 2 cases in my local area, and it is essential to pay more attention to this issue (Department Finance, Service & Innovation – Spatial Services, 2021).
Moreover, the data shows that the average age ranges from 40 to 49 years old (National Diabetes Services Scheme, 2023). Even though most data is open access, there is no precise data about gender and ethnic origin. Nevertheless, it is visible that people with Type 2 diabetes located in the Hawkesbury area are in the income group, which is higher than the average.
There is a clear gap in the provided service in the Hawkesbury area. The existing support is mostly outdated or requires patients to travel long distances. In some cases, the response to the diabetes problem should be immediate; in this location, it might be problematic to assist in emergencies.
The statistics also show that the elderly population requires more support by 22.7% compared to the younger population (National Diabetes Services Scheme, 2023). Additionally, people with obesity highlight the need for urgent address of diabetes. New services developed in the Hawkesbury area should introduce educational programs, understand demographics, and develop unique preventive measures.
It is essential to consider the needs of the Indigenous population living in the Hawkesbury area, as they might also have diabetes. The native people of Australia have a high risk of diabetes as their eating habits are unhealthy, and this issue was transferred genetically, causing a national health problem (McCosker et al., 2018). Even though the trends change over time, controlling steady increases in cases, stabilization, and fluctuation is still essential.
The information provided by the National Diabetes Services Scheme (2023) shows a constant increase in the healthcare problem in the Hawkesbury location due to poor assistance. Therefore, the government should pay attention to this issue, and patients should ensure they can be protected in their region.
Diabetes usually affects physical health, but it also influences mental health. People diagnosed with health conditions need relevant support, such as diabetes distress and depression. Appropriate mental assistance can help decrease the number of cases and ensure that the younger generation can avoid this issue.
Poor help from medical experts can cause more medical conditions like heart attacks, kidney issues, and hypertension. The Hawkesbury area has a diverse population with unique backgrounds. Learning from the experience of other medical centers, different regions, and countries is essential. Understanding and analyzing “hotspots” can be helpful in the process of adjustment of new medical treatment plans.
Finally, there is a significant impact on employment and the area’s most popular industries. The local workforce should understand that the risk of pollution in the location is one of the main problems that cause diabetes. Therefore, individuals living in the Hawkesbury area should be aware that they are in danger zones where the development of health issues is massive. Paying attention to environmental factors should not be neglected, and people living in the Hawkesbury area should receive enough assistance when the diabetes problem appears.
The presence of such services as Hawkesbury Hospital Diabetes Education Program, Wisdom Diabetes Clinic, and Wentworth protect the location from the rapid increase in cases. The number of medical organizations in this location is small, and some challenges appear. For example, vulnerable groups stay without appropriate assistance, decreasing their health level significantly. Moreover, the shortage and high price of healthy food negatively influence people, and not many nutritionists can change their eating habits. Finally, the problem remains earnest, and relevant solutions should be applied immediately.
The Case for New Diabetes Service
Diabetes is one of the common problems around the world, and communities in Australia also suffer from the health issue. Even though the Hawkesbury area is popular for its beautiful nature and fascinating history, the global diabetes epidemic does not leave this place. Therefore, a new service should be established in this location to address the most common problems and avoid increasing cases.
Scientific research should be conducted in Australia and other countries to ensure efficient support these days and protect the future of the population. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2021), the number of those suffering from diabetes is decreasing from 1.7 million in 2018. However, the Hawkesbury area is an exception where the number continues growing.
The new organization must consider parallel diseases like heart problems and blindness to ensure further research. The consideration of the target audience is also crucial as the population in Hawkesbury is aging, showing that more people are at risk of diabetes. It is also necessary to remember the obesity epidemic is one of the direct risks of Type 2 diabetes. The workers in the new medical organization should stay aware of the importance of boosting glucose metabolism. Furthermore, the geographic position should be considered to ensure patients have timely access to care and education.
Scientific evidence supports the idea about the value of cost-effectiveness of treatment and training. The country’s fight against healthcare issues is massive, and new services can receive financial support. Therefore, proactive assistance development can lead to long-term savings for further research and expansion.
Introducing a holistic approach should also remain one of the main strategies for the new medical company, as procedures such as blood collection and pressure measurements cannot be used to make the correct diagnosis. Therefore, lifestyle modification, proper nutrition, and physical activity should be checked and changed for better treatment outcomes. The service should include doctors of various professions like physiologists, psychologists, and manual operators.
When people know they are surrounded by services that can help support their well-being, their general happiness and quality of life can increase. A new diabetes facility in Hawkesbury can significantly contribute to the population’s health. Scientific research supports the development of new services in Australian regions (McCosker et al., 2018). A medical organization staffed with professional doctors is a must for the Hawkesbury community to prevent diabetes-related issues and reduce economic problems across the country.
Therefore, the creation of the service should be immediate to avoid further negative consequences related to the population of the industry in general. It is also essential to pay attention to mental health, and a new service should ensure the presence of professionals in this sphere. Moreover, support and assistance should be aimed toward new research programs that might be connected to the diabetes problem.
The world is fast-changing, and technological integration should be one of the main factors for developing new medical services. It might be helpful to invest in the creation of telehealth to ensure that people can access information online, make quick appointments, and chat with professionals in an emergency. Ben-Assuli (2022) stated that the intervention of health applications can boost home treatment related to the problem of diabetes.
Modernizing the services can bring many positive outcomes and ensure every patient stays under the telemonitoring. Further research can be conducted by the new medical center related to the technology that controls the level of glucose in the blood. The creation of new devices can allow doctors to control patients’ conditions online and give instructions via messengers or calls. Finally, telemedicine can increase the performance of education and boost the knowledge about the medical conditions in the local population to ensure a constant decrease in the number of cases.
Insurance Requirements
Before integrating a new medical service, having all licenses and relevant documentation is essential. Doctors and nurses should have liability insurance, allowing them to perform the actions they should as medical experts. It is also crucial to check accreditation, which states that the professional has gained a higher degree in the related sphere and has experience with actual cases (Leonard-Murali et al., 2020). Patients should also receive an education about insurance coverage, co-pays, and limitations that might not allow them to obtain the necessary help.
Training and Qualification
Every doctor should understand the tasks and the specific accreditation required. For example, every physician should finish the program called Credentialed Diabetic Educators (CDEs) to work legally in Australia (Wray Hospital & Clinic). Moreover, controlling workers’ further education is important because the industry changes quickly. Staying on trend is essential for providing high-quality assistance. Experts should also remain aware of cultural differences and be taught how to interact with patients with diverse backgrounds and cultural specifications. The Hawkesbury area has a substantial cultural range, and the training is vital.
Marketing and Advertising
The importance of social media is increasing, and it can make the promotion of the new medical service successful. The community of the Hawkesbury area can be engaged through informational webinars and blogs posted online. This collaboration can boost the level of education. A user-friendly website should be developed to share new content and keep patients’ attention.
Awareness and trust levels can increase significantly when the organization stays active on social media. Moreover, it is essential to collaborate with individual doctors and other hospitals to build a referral network. Patients should also be encouraged to leave feedback, and based on their responses, a compelling testimonial can be conducted to improve the service further. Finally, it is essential to ensure patients receive high-quality support online, which will not be different from offline visits.
Financial and funding issues can become serious barriers that stop the development of the diabetes service. Governmental grants and private investments should be explored to overcome this obstacle. The healthcare industry has strict regulations and laws, and training the team to follow all legal aspects might be challenging. Therefore, a lot of attention should be spent on developing training programs. Finding a qualified worker with relevant experience might also be problematic.
Consequently, it is crucial to produce a recruitment strategy and offer competitive packages to attract professionals in the industry. The price of the telehealth platforms and equipment might be high, and a strong financial projection should be developed to ensure a sufficient budget to support the new service. Even though there is no available medical center that works with diabetes cases in the Hawkesbury area, some people might resist changes. Therefore, the questionnaire should be introduced to the community to receive permission to develop a new medical support organization. Transportation problems may also occur, and choosing the place where public transport works efficiently is crucial.
In conclusion, introducing the new diabetes service in the Hawkesbury area is essential for the local population’s well-being. The vulnerability of the demographics and the need for the problem prevalence is massive. Therefore, the service’s creation may succeed by following all the necessary legal, psychological, and medical aspects. The new medical operation can beat other services and increase patient satisfaction by introducing telehealth and advanced technological equipment. People should be motivated to control their health, and a close location can help to achieve this goal. Consequently, launching a diabetes facility can prevent the expansion of the problem in the country and reduce the economic burden. The Hawkesbury community requires a modern approach that will positively impact the following generations.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2021). Diabetes technology in Australia: Scoping report. Web.
Ben-Assuli, O. (2022). Measuring the cost-effectiveness of using telehealth for diabetes management: A narrative review of methods and findings. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 163. Web.
Department Finance, Service & Innovation – Spatial Services. (2021). Hawkesbury City Council. Web.
Leonard-Murali, S., Nasser, H., & Ivanics, T. (2020). Perioperative outcomes of Roux-en-Y Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy in patients with diabetes mellitus: An analysis of the metabolic and bariatric surgery accreditation and quality improvement program (MBSAQIP) database. Obesity Surgery, 30, 111-118. Web.
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