Addressing Infant Mortality in Nepal: Solutions for Pregnant Women and Children

The topic of infant mortality is characterized by poverty and lack of access to healthcare. The main signs of poverty are that people in need do not have adequate access to medicines and clinics. Accordingly, they often become ill, and children and pregnant women are mainly vulnerable to disease (Sapkota et al., 2021). In addition, infant mortality is a particular problem in Nepal since females in rural regions do not have access to healthcare.

As a result, they often face the death of their children and are unable to improve their living conditions (Sapkota et al., 2021). I chose the theme of the health of pregnant women and infants to demonstrate the existing problem of their mortality and to suggest ways to solve it.

In addition, I selected Nepal because the African country combines the marginalization of its population with an underdeveloped healthcare system. Thus, the challenge of child and pregnancy deaths can be overcome through public assistance, telemedicine, and microfinance initiatives. For instance, expanding access to public healthcare is a way to provide medical services to different population categories (Sapkota et al., 2021). The effectiveness of this method lies in the fact that low-income pregnant women receive benefits, and citizens from remote villages receive medical care. Therefore, it will help to address a significant factor contributing to child mortality.

Furthermore, the implementation of programs for low-income pregnant women will contribute to improving their financial situation, not just reducing mortality. Accordingly, introducing initiatives to provide funding, education, and access to care in the countryside will ensure that children are born and developed correctly. Moreover, providing childcare will ensure that children do not experience discrimination and financial inequality, for example (Sapkota et al., 2021). Thus, an initial program to combat the mortality of pregnant women and children could enhance Nepal’s long-term development.


Sapkota, T., Houkes, I., & Bosma, H. (2021). Vicious cycle of chronic disease and poverty: a qualitative study in present day Nepal. International Health, 13(1), 30-38. Web.

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