Nurse Practitioners: Developing Superior Competencies for Patient Care


Nurse practitioners (NPs) should develop superior competencies to meet their patients’ health needs. It is also necessary for adult-gerontology acute care and primary care nurses (AG ACNPs) to expand their models and philosophies if they are to function efficiently in their respective healthcare units. This paper discusses the major competencies required for adult-gerontology acute care and primary care nursing practice.

Review of Competencies

Every elderly person requires adequate and timely medical support. Adult-gerontology patient populations also encounter numerous health problems, including a lack of adequate support, terminal diseases, and substance abuse (The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, 2016). AG ACNPs should combine desirable attitudes, abilities, skills, and knowledge to function efficiently and offer safe medical services. The development of appropriate competencies is, therefore, appropriate for every AG ACNP.

Some of these skills include the ability to incorporate scientific foundations in practice, leadership, quality improvement, continuous inquiry, formulation of healthcare policy, ethics, and independence in service delivery. Evidence-based practice and efficient leadership can empower NPs to provide high-quality health services. NPs working with elderly patients should also act morally, engage in policymaking processes, and use emerging knowledge to improve the nature of the practice (McRee & Reed, 2015). They should always act professionally to transform their patients’ experiences. The four relevant competencies for my specialty area are presented below.

Relevant Competencies


McRee and Reed (2015) believe that ethics is a key competency area for AG ACNPs. This is the case because the skill empowers them to utilize resources efficiently, advocate for their patients’ rights, make meaningful decisions, and uphold existing legal and moral standards.

Sources of information

Several resources and websites can be considered by NPs who want to improve their ethical attributes. The first one is the American Nursing Association. This resource offers timely insights, documents, and reviews that can empower more practitioners to improve their ethical competencies (Twine, Fontenot, & Sam, 2018). Different databases such as CINAHL, EBSCOhost, and PubMed are also expected to offer adequate information that can be used to keep current in this competency area.


To develop this competency, I will keep journal entries and review them periodically. It will also be necessary to request my colleagues and supervisors to monitor my progress. I will interact will more patients, teammates, and healthcare professionals to examine my achievements.


AG ACNPs are expected to develop and improve this competency. They should do so by providing adequate leadership when planning, coordinating and delivering high-quality care to their patients (The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, 2016). Those who demonstrate this skill will deliver positive health outcomes for the targeted adult-gerontology population.

Sources of information

Relevant sources can be considered to keep current in this competency. Some of them include journal articles published within the past three years, nursing databases, and associations that focus on the changing needs of practitioners (Twine et al., 2018). Harvard Business Review (HBR) publications are also expected to offer evidence-based leadership concepts.


Several methods will be considered to monitor this competency. The first one is the use of a timetable to identify specific attributes that should be developed within a stipulated period. The second one is the use of reviews from my teammates.


Practitioners working with adult patients should consider this competency area to offer evidence-based services. The skill empowers AG ACNPs to improve their care delivery models and maximize their patients’ outcomes (McRee & Reed, 2015). The concept also makes it possible for NPs to transform their philosophies.

Sources of information

Several databases such as PubMed and CINAHL will offer meaningful ideas to improve this competency. Organizations such as the American Nursing Association (ANA) and the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) will also present quality information. Recent journal articles will also be studied to develop this competency area.


Two methods will be considered to monitor this competency. The first one will be the use of reviews from patients. Secondly, I will use checklists to ensure that I am in a position to offer high-quality services.

Technology and Information Literacy

Modern inventions are revolutionizing healthcare delivery systems and nursing models. As an NP, I believe that technology and information literacy is a powerful competency that can transform patients’ experiences. It encourages practitioners to use superior devices to deliver high-quality services (Twine et al., 2018). Clinical decision systems can also be utilized to deliver appropriate medical care.

Sources of information

The main resource that should be considered by those who want to keep current in this competency is an article published in the CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing journal. The American Nursing Association also provides timely updates that can guide practitioners to improve this competency.


A detailed review should be done periodically to ensure that every care delivery model is by this competency. Journal entries will also be considered to develop appropriate skills in nursing informatics.


The four competencies described above can make it easier for AG ACNPs to offer high-quality medical patients to different patients. Practitioners should, therefore, use appropriate strategies to keep current in the competency. They should also engage in continuous self-assessment to transform the nature of adult gerontology acute care.


McRee, L., & Reed, P. G. (2015). Nurse practitioners: Knowledge, skills, and leadership end-of-life conversation in intensive care. Nursing Science Quarterly, 29(1), 78-81. Web.

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. (2016). Adult-gerontology acute care and primary care NP competencies. Web.

Twine, N., Fontenot, N., & Sam, M. (2018). Nurse practitioners: Developing the next generation of health care leaders through an internship program. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 8(5), 13-19. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 17). Nurse Practitioners: Developing Superior Competencies for Patient Care.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Nurse Practitioners: Developing Superior Competencies for Patient Care." December 17, 2020.

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