Advanced Practice Nurses and Their Benefits

In order to communicate seamlessly between nurse and a patient, there must be no cultural gaps, which is a long-standing health problem. This can negatively affect patients’ health and their satisfaction with treatment. In recent years, the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) in overcoming such gaps has been increasing. APNs can positively influence health care quality through the cult barriers, but this requires adaptation to the new working environment.

The first advantage of APNs is the high level of education of professionals compared to even registered nurses, so such nurses better understand the problems of different patients. The advanced practice nurse can become a leader of cultural competence and thus facilitate communication between the doctor and patient (Nwamuo & Anyikwa, 2018). The methodology of these specialists is to develop mutual understanding with patients, which creates a favorable environment in which respect and trust will reign during communication. This method enables the development of health programs according to the cultural characteristics of everyone in need, significantly improving the quality of care. The review conducted by Liu and Li (2021) demonstrated that APN-led activities have successfully bypassed cultural barriers, such as communication problems due to linguistic diversity among patients. Interventions by nurses allow patients to be more satisfied with health care and to receive quality care that is no different from that provided to others.

To conclude, the emergence of advanced practice nurses is a positive development that improves people’s satisfaction with the work of the health sector. Nevertheless, overcoming the difficulties these professionals encounter takes time and is a long and challenging process that requires nurses to adapt to these conditions. Due to the novelty of the term, it must first be carefully studied and evaluated for effectiveness, so in this case, it is essential to consider the opinion of patients. The APN is helpful for improving cultural competence in medicine and service quality, so it is an important step for the field.


Liu, M., & Li, Y. (2021). Advanced practice nurse-led culturally sensitive care interventions: A scoping review. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 32(2), 170-183. Web.

Nwamuo, O. C., & Anyikwa, V. A. (2018). Advanced practice nurses and cultural competence: Bridging two worlds in the provision of quality care. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 25(3), 89-95. Web.

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