Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) Regulation

Advanced practice registered nurses is usually outlined by the Nurse Act of practice and overseen by Nursing Board. However, other rules and guidelines might affect practice, and other boards might be engaged. For example, midwifery nurses may be subject to public health or a Board of Midwifery in various jurisdictions. A professional care practitioner is legally permitted to perform the services associated with their area of competence under the provisions of their medical license. All currently available healthcare licensure is state-based, and each state has different requirements for initial licensure and renewal, particularly for the four components of APRNs. In addition to establishing the scope, nursing boards or other regulating bodies may issue opinions regarding certain activities that are not clearly defined under the Act on Nurse Practice (Unruh et al., 2018). Numerous licensure and practice requirements govern the Nurse Practitioner profession. Many of these requirements, which vary from severe to full practice limitations, are set forth by state law. This regulation significantly impacts professional autonomy levels and varies substantially depending on the state of practice.

The Nurse Practice Act does recognize other advanced clinical nurse practitioners. In addition to evaluating, assessing, and managing illnesses and injuries throughout their lifetime, registered nurses also offer general, urgent care. Clinical nurse specialists continuously monitor patients and administer treatments and assessments (Cooper et al., 2019). They also facilitate organizational practice improvements, provide training and assistance to nurses assisting patients, and guarantee that the best practices and scientifically proven care are used to create the best health outcomes.

The duties of nurses go beyond providing patient health care. Numerous nurses have creative minds develop original concepts to enhance their operating environments. Nurses significantly impact the expenditures of healthcare organizations because they work on the front lines. High-up leaders can successfully implement change with input and feedback from frontline employees. Additionally, nurses might affect organizational costs by opposing unnecessary drugs or procedures.

Nurses should be given a pay rise since they are the frontline respondents in healthcare matters. Nursing professionals can help facilitate the change by advocating the government officials to implement the laws regarding raising the salary for nurse practitioners in all the states. It can be part of the process by advocating the excellent work done by nurses, which is not generally recognized in most cases despite their heavy work and low wage pay.


Cooper, M. A., McDowell, J., & Raeside, L. (2019). The similarities and differences between advanced nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists. British Journal of Nursing, 28(20), 1308–1314. Web.

Unruh, L., Rutherford, A., Schirle, L., & Brunell, M. L. (2018). Benefits of less restrictive regulation of advance practice registered nurses in Florida. Nursing Outlook, 66(6), 539–550. Web.

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