Aeneas’s Characteristics in Aeneid by Virgil

Aeneas is the main character of the Aeneid; he is the son of Trojan ruler Anchises and Venus, the Roman goddess of fertility and beauty. In IV’s book of Aeneid, he is depicted as “the most handsome of them all,” who “walks, as lightly, beauty like the god’s shining from his noble face” (Virgil). Hence, Aeneas’s primary attributes are his aristocratic features, which underline his divine origin, and his male attractiveness.

The personality of Aeneas represents the Roman virtues of the period. Namely, he is a dedicated servant of fate and the gods, an outstanding ruler of his countrymen, and a loving family man. However, Aeneas has human characteristics as well: he is shown as a living person with emotions, passions, and flows. These personality traits demonstrate what an ideal Roman citizen would be like: a pious man who cares about his close ones and compatriots while still having human feelings.

The primary motivation of Aeneas’s character is to construct a city in which he and his compatriots might dwell in law and stability. Aeneas tries to restore order and security to his people. Due to the existence of these goals, Aeneas confers with other leaders of the people before making a decision; he does not misuse his influence. This motivation makes him able to achieve the success he has and overcome the challenges that fate has prepared for him. However, he is conscious that his supporters are depressed and takes steps to console them while suppressing his own concerns. As a result, his conflict is the ability to take command but also care about the larger welfare of the community while disregarding his self-interests.

Work Cited

Virgil. “Virgil (70 BC–19 BC) – Aeneid: IV.” Poetry in Translation, Web.

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