Ageism: Contemporary Perspectives

Such a global problem as discrimination often goes in parallel with such concepts as gender or race. However, the emergence of age prejudice or ageism is gaining more and more importance. This phenomenon, like any social problem, affects other spheres of people’s lives, bearing consequences such as poor quality of healthcare or distancing from society. This academic paper is an analysis of attitudes towards ageism, substantiating it as a social problem and demonstrating how stereotypes affect individuals in their older years.

First of all, to understand the problem, it is necessary to have an accurate definition of the phenomenon of ageism. Sources define it as “prejudice or discrimination against or in favor of any age group” (Ayalon & Tesch-Römer, 2018, p. 3). However, in modern society, this concept is increasingly becoming negative. Moreover, an interesting nuance of ageism is that often people may not notice their negative behavior, attitude, and actions towards the elderly. I myself began to notice similar trends relatively recently. This was especially evident in cases such as when I became frustrated standing behind the old lady in the que at the store or spoke unsatisfactorily about the driver, who turned out to be old.

With all this, I was far from happy with such thoughts since I am follow the opinion that discrimination on any basis is exclusively harmful. Therefore, I am loyal enough to view elderly people and, for the most part, treat them quite leniently. However, it is worth remembering that excessively soft behavior towards the elderly can also have a negative character. This is due to the fact that adults are the same individuals who have some restrictions due to age. Nevertheless, this does not give them the right to disrespect other people, and in such cases, a quick and adequate resolution of the problem is necessary. Thus, I think that people muct be treated equally and given the same rights while considering physical and psychological limitations.

Henceforth, I believe that age discrimination is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in society. Treating it as a politically correct concern can only lead to a deterioration of the situation. Strengthening these stereotypes can seriously affect representatives of the elderly population. Ageism is very often found in such an area as the workplace. It may manifest itself in the unwillingness to give the employee specific tasks, which will affect insufficient remuneration. Also, this kind of prejudice can interfere with job search and cause forced retirement. On the side of psychological and physical health, the social problem under discussion also has some negative consequences. Source states that “the experience of social exclusion related to unfavorable stereotypes has been identified as a chronic stressor for older people that can compromise health” (Burnes et al., 2019, p. 2). Further, ageism can cause a shortening of life expectancy, a significant deterioration in cognitive abilities, and an increased number of lonely elderly people.

In conclusion, this scientific study dealt with the problem of ageism as an acute one in modern society. Hence, examples were given of what consequences this phenomenon can have in the workplace and in relation to physical and psychological well-being. Moreover, it was noted that age discrimination could often be unnoticed by individuals, but this does not exclude its negative impact. Therefore, the research and dissemination of awareness on this issue can significantly improve its contribution to society.


Ayalon, L., & Tesch-Römer, C. (2018). Introduction to the section: Ageism-Concept and origins. Contemporary Perspectives on Ageism, 1-10. Web.

Burnes, D., Sheppard, C., Henderson Jr, C. R., Wassel, M., Cope, R., Barber, C., & Pillemer, K. (2019). Interventions to reduce ageism against older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 109(8), 1-9. Web.

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