Al Sheheen Organization’s Action Plan Outline

Al Sheheen is an organization that is known for providing principal training as well as consultancy services to organizations in the region. The organization has adequate resources to support the programs and help bring out more motivation to trigger students to become active in their own learning. The resources need to be utilized effectively to ensure that they benefit the students and the community.

The training is involved in youth development, training on an adventure, as well as the Armed forces (Al Shaheen LLC, 2012). The vision of the training program is to inspire and assist in releasing the potential of people and the organizations they work in. Al Sheheen collaborates with their client and stakeholders as they place themselves to be the leading company in the provision of training, services in consulting, and solutions in technology across the Middle East.

The implementation of the training program will involve the use of Al Shaheen. subsidiaries. The subsidiaries shall utilize their staff from over 25 nationalities and the resources allocated to them to ensure they meet the training need of the programs. Some of the subsidiaries include Ultra Electronics and Emirates Advanced Investments Group. The program shall involve the youth in the United Arab Emirates by offering creative and crucial learning experiences; it shall also be rolled out in the rest of the region. The partnership with other organizations to provide training will ensure the students acquire the best training.

The students are allowed to decide on the experiences they wish to pursue and are tailored to the abilities of the customers. The training applies physical tasks, use of discussions, and reviews (Al Shaheen LLC, 2012). The intent of the training is to empower the youth on social and economic aspects in the society so that they can be competitive in UAE and the region. Youth training is setting the foundation for every nation to ensure there is a better future for the nation (Vine, 2005).


Al Shaheen LLC (2012). Youth Development. Al Shaheen L.L.C.. Web.

Vine, I. (2005). United Arab Emirates yearbook 2005. London: Trident Press.

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