Systematic Medical Intervention for Alcohol Addiction


Nowadays, many people have problems with alcohol and get addicted to it as they grow up. It is essential to address this issue by implementing an appropriate intervention to the patients who misuse high alcohol beverages. The following paper will discuss and analyze scholarly research on the topic of alcohol intervention to analyze patient outcomes in the primary care setting.

Description of the Scholarly Article


The main purpose of the article by Kaner et al. (2013) is to identify whether alcohol-addicted people can benefit from systematic medical intervention or not. The study included three thousand five hundred and sixty-two members as a sampling (Kaner et al., 2013). These people were intended to undergo an extended course that included handout materials, approximately five minutes of sharing certain pieces of advice with participants, and almost twenty minutes of life counseling.


According to the information provided in the article by Kaner et al. (2013), the sampling was divided into three groups to experience every approach mentioned above separately. As a result, the patients, who were given various pieces of advice, benefited from this intervention more than other groups (Kaner et al., 2013). In particular, people who underwent the lifestyle counseling course were not wholly independent of alcohol, whereas the group with handout materials had a passion for alcohol consumption after the research.

Clinical Application

As the method of brief interventions (five minutes) occurred to be the most effective intervention in the case with people addicted to alcohol, it is now applied to regular patients. People who have alcohol problems are consulted by nurses and given several pieces of advice that might help cope with alcoholism (Kaner et al., 2013). This method seems to be useful for the patients mentioned above as nurses inform them about unfortunate outcomes that might emerge in the future due to alcohol overconsumption.

The Presentation in a Clinical Setting

Recently, the presentation of the alcohol intervention discussed previously was received by the medical personnel of the Mercy Hospital, Miami. The colleagues discussed and tried to perceive the experience of British scholars who conducted efficient research with extended sampling. Every employee of the medical institution agreed with the fact that the study was trustworthy and credible as professional doctors supported a tremendous number of its participants. Basing on these facts, it would be proper to state that the sampling was diverse, thus the results were accurate (Scott-Sheldon, Carey, Elliott, Garey, & Carey, 2014). The colleagues wanted to know why the brief consulting strategy happened to be more efficient than other approaches. Fortunately, they acquired adequate answers and explanations during the presentation. However, some doctors said that the discussed method has to be intensified and applied to the patients more often than once a week. Moreover, the local professionals suggested providing visual aids along with theoretical material as it will entertain people instead of burdening them with plain information.

Clinical Application at the Hospital

The Mercy Hospital personnel used the premise of the article based on alcohol intervention research to treat local patients with similar problems. As it is mentioned above, the colleagues of the medical institution discussed the study flow and suggested improving it. However, before considering the methods that were not tested yet, the nurses from the Mercy Hospital in Miami stuck to the theories that showed good results. Several patients benefited from such an intervention after their treatment processes as they did not have the desire to buy alcoholic beverages anymore. Nevertheless, when this practice was learned by every employee of the hospital, nursing leaders suggested adding some visual aids and doing the consultations more often (according to the doctor’s recommendations). As a result, the interest in improving patient outcomes rose by approximately twenty percent since it was first implemented.

It would be proper to state that the medical personnel of the Mercy Hospital also tried to apply other strategies considered in the discussed research article to identify whether the results depend on people’s mentality (British culture is high-context, whereas American is low-context). However, the results were almost the same in both countries mentioned above. It appears that it is not even necessary to provide accurate and useful information to alcohol-addicted patients (Spanagel et al., 2013). They appreciate the attention that the local medical workers pay to their problem and their effort to resolve it. Nevertheless, patients prefer to be entertained, instead of listening and trying to grasp complicated information.


The article discussed in the previous paragraphs describes the alcohol medical intervention applied to alcohol addicted patients. The research was conducted at one of the hospitals in London, which included three thousand five hundred and sixty-two sampling participants. The most efficient approach to the given problem was five-minute-long sessions, during which nurses were obliged to provide their patients with helpful pieces of advice in coping with alcoholism. The study results were presented to the medical personnel of the Mercy Hospital in Miami. Before implementing the same strategy, the medical institution’s workers suggested adding visual aids to it and make the intervention method more often than once a week. Despite the mentality differences between English and American people, the results were the same.


Kaner, E., Bland, M., Cassidy, P., Coulton, S., Dale, V., Deluca, P.,… Drummond, C. (2013). Effectiveness of screening and brief alcohol intervention in primary care (SIPS trial): Pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 346(2), 1-14. Web.

Scott-Sheldon, L. A., Carey, K. B., Elliott, J. C., Garey, L., & Carey, M. P. (2014). Efficacy of alcohol interventions for first-year college students: A meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82(2), 177-188. Web.

Spanagel, R., Durstewitz, D., Hansson, A., Heinz, A., Kiefer, F., Köhr, G.,… Derks, E. M. (2013). A systems medicine research approach for studying alcohol addiction. Addiction Biology, 18(6), 883-896. Web.

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