Alternative Treatments for Insomnia: Benefits, Solutions, and Accessibility


Insomnia remains the most common sleeping disorder, yet it has a variety of cheap and clinically proven alternative treatments. Notably, a third of all adults experience occasional insomnia, which becomes chronic for 10% of people. (Mutchler, 2022). Insomnia is categorized as either primary if there is no known cause or secondary in the case of medication and substances interfering with the sleep pattern.

Individuals with insomnia experience lower productivity, safety concerns, and reduced quality of life (Ng & Parakh, 2021). Alternative medicine for the treatment of insomnia existed long before the discovery of conventional medicine. Although most Western people prefer the standard medical care in the mainstream, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the best choice for people with insomnia.

CAM Offers a Variety of Solutions

Alternative medicine offers a variety of treatment solutions that patients can select at their convenience. Some CAM therapies that are effective in treating insomnia include acupuncture, melatonin, Ayurveda, yoga, and valerian (Ng & Parakh, 2021). Some treatments, such as acupuncture, acupressure, and melatonin, help to restore a normal sleep cycle but require administration by experienced practitioners (Ng & Parakh, 2021).

Individuals can choose to use herbs and diet to help combat insomnia and its effects. For example, there is proof that taking protein supplements that contain L-tryptophan is an effective treatment for insomnia (Verma et al., 2022). Thus, insomnia patients who opt for alternative treatment have many practical solutions.

No Side Effects or Adverse Reactions

Unlike mainstream medicines, which have adverse reactions and side effects, CAM treatment options are safe and have a holistic benefit to the body. Noteworthy, people with insomnia experience comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease, depression, hypertension, and anxiety (Ng & Parakh, 2021). Complementary treatments target not just insomnia but the entire body.

For example, eating a proper diet and taking supplements is effective for both insomnia and may help restore a healthy heart. Moreover, treatments like acupuncture effectively alleviate depression and anxiety (Verma et al., 2022). The essential advantage is that no chemical residues are left in the body, which can lead to other health issues.

Cheap and Readily Available

The complementary treatments are cost-effective, and some are readily available. Patients have easy access to the information and testimonies of people who have used the treatments (“Complementary therapies,” 2021). There is a variety of foods that promote relaxation and sleep hormones. People struggling with sleep disorders can search the internet and obtain the information they need.

Moreover, other alternative treatments, such as mindfulness, meditation, and breathing exercises, are effective and do not involve any monetary cost. The patients have to commit to consistently doing the exercise until they retain a regular sleeping routine. Therefore, people who do not have the finances to use the pharmacological treatment can take advantage of alternative solutions, such as exercise, meditation, and mindfulness.


Insomnia affects many people, who can experience it for a short duration or become chronic. The disorder causes multiple health risks and deterioration of quality of life. However, people can improve their sleep patterns by using alternative treatment options. There are plenty of CAM solutions, and all focus on a person’s holistic health.

Most of the complementary treatments have no adverse effects or chemical residues. Moreover, they offer cheaper and readily available solutions to the people. Thus, the many advantages make alternative treatment for insomnia better than conventional medicine.


Complementary therapies. (2021). Better HealthChannel. Web.

Mutchler, C. (2022). Insomnia facts andstatistics: What you need to know. VerywellHealth. Web.

Ng, J. Y., & Parakh, N. D. (2021). A systematic review and quality assessment of complementary and alternative medicine recommendations in insomnia clinical practice guidelines. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 21(1), 21-54. Web.

Verma, K., Singh, D., & Srivastava, A. (2022). The impact of complementary and alternative medicine on insomnia: A systematic review. Cureus, 1(1), 1-13. Web.

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