An Analysis of a Research: Understanding Nursing Research

The article “Relationships among resilience, stress, and persistence in prenursing students during COVID-19″ provides information about the impact of the recent pandemic on the well-being of prenursing students. The primary finding of the research by Urban et al. (2022) is that the on-campus prenursing students who participated in the study reported higher levels of stress during the pandemic. Moreover, the majority of the on-campus students also said that they experienced a lower level of resilience when compared to the results demonstrated by the students applying for an online program. The research discovered that there was a considerable negative relationship between scores on resilience and persistence and stress in both on-campus and online students (Urban et al., 2022). Therefore, the authors of the research propose to introduce measures contributing to the resilience and stress management in students.

The research design chosen by the authors was cross-sectional descriptive correlational, and it utilized an online survey which enabled them to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the well-being of students. Specifically, the authors opted for a cross-sectional design in order to collect data from numerous people and thus make the results more trustworthy. The descriptive design was chosen because it allowed the authors to make a description of the two groups of students (Grove & Gray, 2019). The correlational component of the design was used to trace how variables such as on-campus and online programs affect the stress levels of students during the pandemic. Finally, the online survey was used because it is an efficient tool for collecting data from a large number of people. Another research design which can be used to study the topic is the experimental one. For instance, using such a design, authors could make the prenursing students switch their programs to analyze the stress levels change in former on-campus students after their transition to an online program.


Grove, S., & Gray, J. (2019). Understanding nursing research (7th ed). Saunders.

Urban, R., Jennings, L., & Cipher, D. (2022). Relationships among resilience, stress, and persistence in prenursing students during COVID-19. Nurse educator, 47(2), 102–107. Web.

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