An Analysis of the Play and Production of Hamlet


Hamlet is a classically orchestrated play that applies all the literary styles to elaborate on an ethical dilemma. The play and its production explore how vengeance can become a dangerous mission if emotions clouds judgment (Ibrahim 1). The author intended to elaborate on human philosophy by depicting their typical behaviors and reactions to betrayal. At the same time, the director created a vivid description of how the concept of vengeance can lead to unjust practices even with morally upright individuals (Samons 14). The relevance of this play is justified considering that it addresses how vengeance can hinder justice and how each is interconnected. Therefore, the author’s and director’s mission in creating Hamlet and its relevance in the contemporary world are addressed.

The Intention of the Author

The story depicts an indecisive protagonist whose ethical values have hindered him from avenging his father’s death. This author creates a situation of ethical dilemma showcasing how difficult it is to defy morals unless emotions impair decision-making skills (Burnett 8). Hamlet’s behavior is noble and reflects what noble people in society would do in search of justice. Although he desires to kill Claudius, he does not go with this plan since he considers it unethical. Instead, he tries to gather evidence against Claudius but is frustrated since he finds none (Ibrahim 1). Although people desire to avenge their dead, especially when they have succumbed to unnatural death, the law does not permit murder. This occurrence represents how ethics can limit someone from defying the rules despite their desperation to find self-justice.

The Intention of the Director

The director intended to display how the quest for vengeance could initiate unethical behaviors. By using bold, rational and intriguing casts such as Hamlet, they illustrated the noble people’s struggle to maintain ethical practices when provoked. However, they also included other characters, such as Claudius, to show greed, ambitions and guilt to highlight how desires can lead to dishonorable actions that cause regrets (Ibrahim 1). The play covers a broader spectrum of society depicting sides of evil and good and is well elaborated by their performances. Readers are enlightened about the effects of criminal activities, such as murder and conspiracy, which affect people through this outlook.

Relevance of the Play and Production

The story is a relevant philosophical analysis of the complexity of human life. It highlights the major themes such as vengeance and betrayal, which are daily occurrences that happen in one’s lifetime. The story further elaborates on the results of revenge and is ultimately painful. As the story unfolds, Hamlet kills Polonius, his future father-in-law, due to frustrations during his pursuit of vengeance. This scene provides a lifetime lesson that seeking vengeance does not bring fulfillment but rather regret (Samons 14). The play is created to elaborate on how revenge can result in evil since the book’s climax illustrates a painful ending in which most of the cast dies due to a single mistake of revenge. This dramatic point illustrates how people feel trapped in their daily struggles without a possible way out.

Hamlet is an exploration of the various struggles of humanity and the consequences f holding grudges. The literature provides a story inspired by Hamlet’s father’s death, which led to the quest for vengeance. Like in the real world, Hamlet provides a definite outlook of how society is and the consequences of revenge. Furthermore, the author and director intend to educate the public on the consequences of vengeance, giving the production a relatable meaning in the contemporary world.

Works Cited

Burnett, Mark Thornton. ‘Hamlet and World Cinema. Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Ibrahim, Abdul Mahmoud Idrees. “Hesitancy as an innate flaw in Hamlet’s character: Reading through a psychoanalytic lens.” International Journal of English and Literature, vol. 11, no.2, 2020, pp. 21-28.

Samons, Loren. “Noble Minds and Nymphs: The Tragic Romance of Hamlet and Ophelia.” CLA Journal, vol. 6, 2018, pp. 12-21.

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