Analysis of “Divine Comedy” by Dante

The End That It Serves from a Narrative Perspective

From a narrative perspective, the Divine Comedy by Dante, as provided by John Sinclair, serves to demonstrate to be one of the greatest works of literature in the world historically and in contemporary society (Alighieri, 2014). Dante’s work is divided into various parts in its narration, such as Paradiso, Purgatorio, and Inferno. In this case, the narrative provides Dante’s pathway from error and darkness to the divine light as exemplified in the vision of the Almighty God. As part of divine light, ‘Dante held by the ancient tradition that dreams may be of deep spiritual significance.’ (127 4). Therefore, Dante showcased the people’s immortality in divination of their dreams as part of divine light. The Roman poet played a leading role in Dante’s narration which demonstrated a representation of human knowledge. Virgil, who happened to be the Roman poet, was responsible for leading Dante to the threshold of human knowledge.

Whether the Strategy Reminds of Any Other Works of Literature

The strategy reminds me of any other work of literature before and after Dante’s time. From a historical perspective, many works of literature are translated from their original content so that the audience can understand them better (Alighieri, 2014). ‘All three appeal for Dante for the help of his prayers of for the prayers of his friends, prayers, that is, for their admission to active purgation,’ (79 42). In this case, the quoted words are in English, and every audience can comprehend their message regarding Dante. For example, even the Bible has always been translated to different languages globally so that different ethnicities and races can understand its contents. Translation of texts has been a common phenomenon of spreading a relevant form of literature so that the message can reach more people. Most of the contents of the Bible have been translated after Dante’s time to different languages existing worldwide.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Telling a Story This Way

There are advantages to telling a story the way John Sinclair translated the literature work by Dante. In this case, such translation ensures no forms of miscommunication because of language barriers (Macintosh et al., 2018). For example, Sinclair ensured he translated Dante’s work into English that most people understand. For instance, ‘It is in this context that Virgil is twice named in his loftiest character as ‘the Poet,’ (65 26). Thus, Dante’s translation to English of these words helps everyone understand the relevance of Virgil and how he was a great poet of the time. Therefore, his message would identify and understood by many people. In addition, telling a story that way ensures that language barriers are overcome. On the other hand, telling a story has disadvantages because such literature can be exaggerated and lose meaning. In addition, the information told could fail to be accurate and reliable because of unwarranted additions.


Alighieri, D. (2014). Inferno: The Divine Comedy Volume 1, Ottawa: Harper Collins Canada.

Macintosh, F., McConnell, J., Kenward, C., & Harrison, S. (2018). Epic Performances from the Middle Ages Into The Twenty-First Century, London: Oxford University Press.

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