One of the most key characteristics of chapter eleven revolves around relationship dynamics between various characters. The first major event takes place when some boys, who surrounded Vivian as the center of their attention, show disrespect towards Park. At this moment, Kim observes such behavior and steps to defend him, and she does it by insulting the attackers. Finally, Matt arrives and resolves the situation by expressing his physical superiority over the group. Later, Kim and Matt attempt to avoid factory inspection in a bathroom, where they become trapped with each other. This leads to their kiss, but the boy will continue expressing affection towards Vivian. Curt invites Kimberley to the party, where they demonstrate romantic attachment (Kwok, 2011). In the end, SAT scores arrive, where the main character realizes that she scored an outstanding point in each section.
The main theme of chapter twelve is centered around the reunification of Matt and Kim. In the beginning, the girl decides to go to Yale, but she needs an application fee to be waived (Kwok, 2011). Annette arrives on the day of a naturalization test, where she offers her help with the apartment. Mrs. Avery finds a more comfortable and appropriate place in Queens, which is not more expensive than Aunt Paula’s option. Later, Matt approaches Kim and states that he is not pleased with the fact that she spends her time with Curt (Kwok, 2011). The main character catches him crying due to the death of his mother (Kwok, 2011). They head towards Kim’s apartment, where their attraction towards each other commences once again. They engage in sexual intercourse, after which the couple realizes that condoms were broken.
Kwok, J. (2011). Girl in translation. Riverhead Books.