Analysis of Goodfellas by Martin Scorsese


Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas is a legendary gangster movie that is loved by many people even today. The plot narrates the life of Henry Hill, starting with his childhood when he was a poor child living in New York to his adult life as a gangster. This movie is an example of perfect actor play and staging, but also it provides the viewers with essential topics appropriate for discussion even nowadays. In his interview, Martin Scorsese said he was fond of Warner Brothers films, especially gangster movies of the 30-s and 40-s (“Martin Scorsese Talks”). Extraordinary brutality and the frightening atmosphere became tricks that encouraged and influenced Scorsese. It is vital to examine manifestations of menacing atmosphere and appearance to see how Scorsese strived to show them to the viewer.


Goodfellas is a movie that narrates the life of Henry Hill, an ordinary male who has been attracted by gangster life from his childhood. Hill was only eleven when he was involved in Mafiosi’s life, and from that moment, he started working in pairs with his gangster fellows (Orsitto). One of the most crucial moments was adopting the Mafiosi’ family’, where Henry Hill became an entire community member. After committing multiple crimes, Henry was arrested and had to get revenge.


Menacing atmosphere

The movie starts from the middle of the action when Mafiosi open the car with the half-alive person inside and stab him. The viewer can hardly understand what is happening, but it shows the menace with the help of a realistic murder scene. Henry says that he has always wanted to be a gangster (Goodfellas 00:01:50-00:02:05). In addition, the viewer sees Henry’s childhood as unhappy, insufficient, and sometimes even violating. For instance, Henry Hill strived to earn money during his early school years, but his father was always against this idea. For his patriarchal and cruel father, schooling seems the best way to become a decent person. It was why, after the father knew that Henry had missed school for several months, he started to beat him in rage (Goodfellas 00:05:50-00:06:45). Moreover, Henry Hill gets the viewer to know that his father was cruel due to personal reasons. Unfortunately, private issues often become premises for the person to take anger out on relatives.

What is more, the movie is full of fight scenes, which often make spectators nervous. For instance, in one of the exemplary episodes with Mafiosi beating an ordinary driver (Goodfellas 00:48:58-00:49:22). They want him to tell him some important information and take away his money. It becomes apparent that gangsters do not legally earn money; they take what they want with the help of physical and psychological violence. These scenes give exceptional value to the film and demonstrate gangsters’ processes inside. Therefore, such episodes create a menacing atmosphere, as the spectator might guess what will happen after gangsters approach ordinary people.


Accordingly, Scorsese provides an essential insight into the life of little Henry Hill. There is a considerable contrast between the atmosphere of poverty and instability in Hills’ house and the atmosphere of power and luxury in gangsters (Goodfellas 00:11:04-00:12:31). The spectator understands that little Henry Hill becomes obsessed with these gangsters’ properties, and they become interesting for him. There is a suggestion that the oppressing family atmosphere and spoiled father-son relationships became a starting point in Henry Hill’s gangster career. Adult Henry Hill narrates his gangster life and says that people without money and those who aim to earn honestly became inappropriate for his present lifestyle (Goodfellas 00:17:50-00:17:58). Hill’ buried’ people who led a conventional life and worried about bills, money, children, and other household problems.

In one of the episodes, spectators observe adult Henry Hill sitting among wealthy people. They discuss vast amounts of money, delicious dishes, and plans for the future (Goodfellas 00:17:59-00:18:21). In this scene, appearance is significant; expensive clothes, accessories, food – everything is served to gangsters. Moreover, it is possible to see luxurious cars in this movie, which become the only vehicle for Mafiosi. For gangsters, it is inappropriate to take less than they can afford; it is why they prefer only the best. Hill comments: “If we wanted something, we just took it” (Goodfellas 00:18:07-00:18:10). It becomes why gangsters could not agree to use something ordinary; money is an excellent opportunity to get perfect clothes, cars, houses, and other properties.

However, not only material things constitute a mafioso’s appearance. It can be seen in one of the scenes that Henry Hill ‘saves’ the crying girl near the road (Goodfellas 00:39:21-00:40:03). She reports one man harassing her, and Henry listens to her attentively. He behaves in a way all gangsters do in the movie; he takes responsibility for the girl and wants revenge on the man who coveted her. Sometimes, it might seem that gangsters take excessive liabilities and are involved in matters. However, the viewer understands that responding to such a great extent is a common feature of Mafiosi. They strive to be ‘real men; they consider protecting the weak from threats, but gangsters do it with particular pride. The behavior constitutes vital property of a mafioso’s character – the gangster should be fearless, responsible, and brutal.


In conclusion, Goodfellas by Martin Scorsese is a brilliant movie that demonstrates the life of Mafiosi. It shows how an ordinary male becomes a gangster jointly with the company of other bandits. These people have their own businesses, ethics, and morals. The spectator observes multiple frightening scenes perfectly matching with luxurious properties that constitute the Mafiosi appearance. Goodfellas might be called a classic of the Mafiosi genre, and this film is valuable for demonstrating true gangster life with its values.

Works Cited

“Martin Scorsese Talks GOODFELLAS (’90).” YouTube, uploaded by Turner Classic Movies, 2021, Web.

Goodfellas. Directed by Martin Scorsese, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., 1990.

Orsitto, Fulvio. “Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas: Hybrid Storytelling between Realism and Formalism.” Mafia Movies, 2019, pp. 103–08. Crossref, Web.

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