Analysis of Homer’s Idea of Excellence

The heroism act happens in a moment of crisis where individuals who do anything remotely positive get the label of a hero. In ancient Greek, heroes were individuals endowed with superhuman capabilities, and the heroes were assumed to have descended from the perpetual gods themselves. Courage is at the top of the qualities of heroes as they are required to be fearless fighters and warriors ready to endanger their lives to save others. Confidence is an ability that heroes have as it helps in assuring the community that things will be better. Empathy is a significant skill for heroes as it allows them to readily help people in need rather than attempt to understand and listen to their grievances. This essay aims to analyze and illustrate the hero between Hector and Achilles, considering each individual’s viewpoint for participating in the battle. The paper also outlines what the two selections teach about the values of ancient Greek society.

Homer’s Book 22 of the Iliad shows Hector is now the last Trojan outside Troy. Priam, Polydamas, urges Hector to come within from the Trojan walls. Still, he is too ashamed to accompany the Trojans in their retreat after giving the overly confident command for the Trojans to sleep beyond their borders the night before. Hector is afraid that the Trojans would accuse him of self-confidence, resulting in most killed. Hector finds it fit to return within the walls after battling Achilles and slaying him or dying gloriously in the battle before the city walls (Homer, n.d., para 2). Hector shows a great capacity for empathy when he decides to fight the Achaeans as he fears they would divide the treasure and wealth of Troy and half of everything the city owns among themselves.

In Book 22 of the Iliad, there is a conflict between Hector and Achilles before the final battle at the walls of Troy. For example, Achilles battles to exterminate the Trojans, whereas Hector fights for harmony and unification between the two nations. Hector becomes the hero since his viewpoint is optimistic and aims to unify the two conflicting regions. Furthermore, Hector shows leadership skills of selflessness and is ready to die honorably for the betterment of his people. The Trojan men and women listen and follow Hector’s decisions as he is the nation’s protector and symbolizes Hector’s heroism. Achilles’ acts do not stand out as heroic because the aim is to wipe out the Trojans (Homer, n.d., para 1), creating more chaos and rage between the two nations. Achilles comes out as inferior in terms of integrity as he lacks principle and has an uncontrollable temper; therefore does not get to be the hero.

Homer’s ‘The Iliad’ provides important moral insights into Greek society’s values as a story of battle, pride, rage, and loss. The Trojan resolve to engage in war is not mandatory because of courage but because of honor and respect. Hector decides to face Achilles in battle, not as a heroic act but as a tribute to the nation. In Greek society, individuals follow orders without question. Hector persuaded the Trojans to camp outside the city walls despite Polydamas’ advice that the troop would be safer within the walls (Homer, n.d., para 1). That night Achilles attacked and killed several Trojans, which makes Hector ashamed to face the Trojan men and women for the sake of his prominence. The Greek society believed that a supreme being, Zeus, is the one that determines winners in battle (Homer, n.d., para 2). Hector resolves to fight Achilles and let Zeus grant victory to the better warrior.


Homer. (n.d.). Homer’s idea of excellence. Iliad Book 22 excerpt.

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