Piece Information and Instrumentation
“Like a Virgin” is among the most famous songs performed by Madonna. Composed by Tom Kelly and Bill Steinberg in the early 1980s, the song is still an element of Madonna’s repertoire (Madonna Madders, 2021; Song Facts Staff, n.d.). The live performance recorded in 2016 can be accessed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IAdGgpFwP8 and features a more modern remake of the song (Madders, 2021). Concerning instrumentation, the aforementioned version uses electronic drums and a synthesizer to accompany the vocal party.
Piece Form, Text, and Personal Impressions
The piece borrows many elements from the first version of the song. The 2016 remake is much simpler than the original version in structure and features almost no sound apart from a steady drum beat to lead the singer (Madonna Madders, 2021). After a slow drum party played between 0:00 and 0:49, the tempo accelerates, and the rhythm becomes steadier (Madonna Madders, 2021).
The presence of pre-recorded back vocals helps create a layered and more complex sound. The section between 1:20 and 1:50 features a few brief pauses, which adds dynamism to the drums part (Madonna Madders, 2021). At 2:30, the echo effect intensifies, which increases the sound’s depth, dynamism, and effects on the audience (Madonna Madders, 2021). Between 3:00 and 4:00, rap elements are introduced, which is followed by a few repetitions of the chorus (Madonna Madders, 2021). The selected piece’s overall emotional tone is joyful, positive, and active.
I appreciate Madonna’s attempts to keep her older materials relevant to the audience’s preferences and introduce new elements and stylistic features. Although listening to this remake was an enjoyable experience, I find it less appealing than the original version. Madonna adds a new opening statement to the original text, telling the audience that nobody can joke “with the queen,” which references her status in pop music (Madonna Madders, 2021, 0:35).
The rest of the text narrates a love story, with the female singer claiming to feel relief and some psychological revival after meeting a man (Madonna Madders, 2021; Song Facts Staff, n.d.). Bill Steinberg, one of the authors, recollects writing the lyrics after separating from an emotionally abusive partner and meeting an actual soulmate (Song Facts Staff, n.d.). The piece’s mood is relatively positive and energetic, which can induce hope in those seeking new sources of inspiration.
Madonna Madders. (2021). Madonna – Like a Virgin (live from The Rebel Heart Tour 2016) | HD [Video]. YouTube. Web.
Song Facts Staff. (n.d.). Like a Virgin by Madonna. Song Facts. Web.