Analysis of the Caledonian Modular Limited

Modern methods of construction (MMC) is a competitive area of research that defines contemporary standards and techniques in the construction industry. Some of the relevant factors that obstruct the industry in the UK and the analyzed company (Caledonian Modular Limited) are digitalization, thorough observation of the trends, and application of various strategies. Concerning trends, Williamson et. al (2019) emphasize the importance to change the public opinion of MMC in the UK. Consequently, Spišáková and Kozlovská (2019) suggest applying innovative methods to practice and replace traditional construction, which is highly detrimental to the environment. As a result, similar to the advertisement industry described in the previous post, innovation is one of the driving forces of success that should define the development of the organization. Ultimately, utilizing the said principles, CML might significantly improve its position in the competitive market of MMC.

Deutsche Post DHL Group is of the leading international organizations in the field of logistics. Similar to most industries, the contemporary trends in logistics include digitalization, sustainability, and strategic decision-making. In this field, digitalization primarily implies the implementation of technologies, such as cloud computing, big data, and IoT, and the application of strategic factors, such as connectivity and flexibility (Kayikci, 2018). However, due to the increased prominence of logistics and construction industries in Germany, the country was responsible for 21% of the European Union’s greenhouse gas emissions (Wright, 2020). Therefore, similar to the aviation industry described in the previous post, the organization should emphasize sustainable concerns to relieve the environmental situation. As a result, Deutsche Post DHL Group needs to adopt sustainable options of logistic solutions to hold its advantageous place in the market.

Reference List

Kayikci, Y. (2018). ‘Sustainability impact of digitalization in logistics’, Procedia Manufacturing, 21, 782-789.

Spišáková, M., and Kozlovská, M. (2019). ‘Waste reduction through using modern methods of construction’, Waste Forum, 4, pp. 361-367.

Williamson, M., Ganah, A., & John, G. A. (2019). Barriers to adopting modern methods of construction in the UK. Journal of Construction Engineering, 2(1), 30-39.

Wright, A. (2020). ‘How technology and a changing consumer behavior instigated change in the Deutsche Post DHL Group: An analysis on organizational change’, Bachelor of Commerce, 13, 116-133.

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