Analyzing Racial Expectations in University Settings in ZZ Packer’s “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere”


Universities are often seen as bastions of meritocracy and social mobility, where students from diverse backgrounds come together to pursue academic excellence and achieve upward social mobility. ZZ Packer’s short story “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere” provides a powerful critique of race expectations in university settings. The report examines the experiences of Dina, a black female student at a predominantly white and affluent university, and how race shapes her experiences and interactions with other students and professors.

Through the lens of race, the story exposes how systemic inequalities shape the campus culture and highlights the need to continue interrogating and challenging this problem. In “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere,” ZZ Packer delivers a poignant analysis of the racial expectations within university environments. The story depicts the experiences of a black female student and examines how her race impacts her relationships with others.

Main Body

In ZZ Packer’s “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere,” the author explores the theme of race and its impact on personal identity, highlighting African American students’ social expectations and pressures at an Ivy League university. “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere” chronicles the challenges faced by Dina, a young black woman from Baltimore, navigating a predominantly white and affluent university setting.

Packer uses Dina’s experiences to explore the racial divisions that exist not only within academia but also within the broader society. As a black woman in a predominantly white environment, Dina is forced to confront the complexities of race and expectations in higher education. Through Dina’s journey, Packer shines a critical light on the systemic barriers and inequalities that can impact the experiences of marginalized groups within academic institutions.

As the story’s narrator, Dina offers insight into the realities of being a young black woman on a predominantly white campus. Her experiences of microaggressions, feelings of isolation, and imposter syndrome are experiences that many black students can relate to. Through Dina’s perspective, “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere” gives readers a glimpse into the psychological impact of racism on black students. Dina’s narration reveals how she feels constantly watched and judged by her white mates and professors, which takes a significant emotional toll on her.

In one instance, she explains how she has tried to make herself “invisible,” highlighting how her experiences have made her feel excluded and disconnected from her academic community. “I’ve tried to blend in. I’ve tried to wear a mask, a cloak, a scarlet letter, but it’s never been enough” (Packer 5). The feeling of being constantly watched and judged that Dina experiences in “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere” is familiar to many black students, who may feel they are seen as representatives of their entire race rather than as individuals.

Dina’s story in “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere” also sheds light on the conflict between the desire to assimilate and the need to maintain one’s authenticity. On one hand, Dina wants to fit in with her white peers and be accepted, and she believes that if she can act and speak like them, she can avoid being seen as “other.”

However, at the same time, she is conscious of how this desire to assimilate can lead her to suppress aspects of her identity and compromise her sense of self. Through Dina’s experiences, Packer highlights the complexity of identity formation and the challenges marginalized individuals face in navigating social and cultural expectations. By exploring these tensions, Packer encourages readers to reflect on their own experiences of assimilation and the impact that these experiences can have on personal identity and self-expression.

On the other hand, Dina is aware of the cost of assimilation. She recognizes that if she “loses” her blackness, she will deny an essential part of herself. Dina’s struggles to balance her desire for assimilation and authenticity are evident throughout the story, particularly in how she presents herself. For instance, she changes her name from Delia to Dina, which she believes sounds more “exotic” and less like a typical “black” name.

Additionally, she attempts to change her way of speaking to sound more “white,” hoping to fit in with her white mates. These actions reveal marginalized individuals’ pressure to conform to dominant cultural norms and expectations. Through Dina’s experiences, Packer challenges readers to consider how these pressures can shape personal identity and the challenges of balancing the desire to fit in with the need to express one’s authentic self.

Despite Dina’s many challenges, she ultimately finds community and acceptance among her fellow black students. The protagonist Dina finds a supportive community that protects her from the racism and isolation she faces in the primarily white academic setting. Through her connections with other black students, Dina understands she is not alone in her challenges.

This sense of belonging and solidarity provides her with safety and refuge. As she puts it, “I’d never really had a group of friends before, and as much as I wanted to deny it, my body relaxed into the companionship of these other people who, like me, had found their way to the African American student center” (Packer 72). Dina’s sense of belonging to a supportive community is critical to her journey of embracing and valuing herself. The acceptance and support she receives from her peers help her to recognize her worth and to embrace her identity.


In conclusion, ZZ Packer’s “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere” explores race expectations at university. In “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere,” ZZ Packer’s narrator questions commonly held beliefs about race and encourages readers to reflect on their biases and preconceptions. The story highlights the fallacy that universities operate as pure meritocracies, revealing how the campus culture is shaped by the privileged status of its students and faculty members regarding race. By examining the experiences of different characters, the story urges readers to reconsider their assumptions and better understand how privilege and power dynamics impact social structures. Her own experiences and beliefs shape the narrator’s perspective on these issues, and her observations provide a unique perspective on the various issues in the story. This story serves as a reminder that individuals must continue to interrogate and challenge the systemic inequalities in society.

Using the lens of race, this essay has explored how the narrator’s perspective shapes individuals understanding of the text. Through her experiences, there are limitations and expectations placed upon her as a young Black woman navigating a prestigious university’s predominantly white and affluent spaces. Through Packer’s masterful use of language, human beings can feel the narrator’s emotions and connect with her. They can see the complexity and nuance of her experiences and understand systemic inequality’s impact on individuals. The narrator’s perspective allows us to see how race intersects to shape our experiences and perspectives.

In “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere,” ZZ Packer encourages readers to think critically about their viewpoints and prejudices. She invites them to consider the experiences of others and to step outside their perspectives. Through her skillful writing and nuanced portrayal of characters, Packer critiques how race influences our perspectives. By exploring these themes through the narrator’s point of view, readers gain insight into the complex and often subtle factors that shape their lives. In essence, Packer’s work prompts readers to examine their biases and better understand the diverse world around them.

Work Cited

Packer, ZZ. Drinking Coffee Elsewhere. Canongate, 2000.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Analyzing Racial Expectations in University Settings in ZZ Packer’s “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere”." October 14, 2024.


StudyCorgi. "Analyzing Racial Expectations in University Settings in ZZ Packer’s “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere”." October 14, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Analyzing Racial Expectations in University Settings in ZZ Packer’s “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere”." October 14, 2024.

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