Anti-War Activism and Its Importance

The United States is known for its aggressive politics that played a crucial part in its history up to the modern days. Nowadays, these intentions are covered under the guise of national security and the safety of its citizens. However, this notion led to the creation of numerous anti-war movements, which expose the core of this issue. I believe that anti-war activism is essential in stopping the politicians who promote unnecessary conflicts as it draws public attention to the underlying causes of modern armed conflicts.

The United States needs to accept the fact that its expansionism politics are outdated and are against the ideals of the nation. In the past, politicians have promoted pro-war views among people by ensuring them that the United States provides humanitarian interventions and protects human rights across the globe (Witham 59). In truth, the country benefits greatly from providing military assistance in armed conflicts outside of its territory since it often gains leverage and resources (Witham 53). They might help the country to gain benefits from participation, yet these effects are short-term. Witham states that “American war-making has often been justified in practical rather than moral terms” (61). The cause for recent conflicts does not serve the national interests. Instead, it is harmful for the nation, as it creates new enemies whose hatred stems from the perception of the United States as the aggressor (Witham 60). I believe that it is hypocritical to remain pro-war for any cause other than defending the nation from a direct threat.

Work Cited

Witham, N. “Domestic politics and antiwar activism.” At war: The military and American culture in the twentieth century and beyond, edited by D. Kieran and E. Martini, Rutgers University Press, 2018, pp. 47-66.

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