Highlights of Art Exhibitions at Meadows Museum

The Meadows Museum is known for its rich reservation of Spanish history. Perhaps, one of the most outstanding attributes of this museum is its nature of art collection that dates back hundreds of years ago. The upcoming exhibition plans to showcase artifacts and art-related objects that span close to 500 years. It is also interesting to learn that the Meadows mission is broad and comprehensive. Nonetheless, the same mission appears to be far-fetched because its collection dates back several centuries in history. The most intriguing issue is the approach that the management of this museum can use to develop a reasonable curriculum based on the number of their collections.

The artistic piece by Jaume Plensa (Sho, 2007) has a lot of historical significance more than the attractive stainless steel that was used to construct it. Pertinent historical facts such as the rationale for developing the piece of art uses during its historical era, and impacts to modern society should be highlighted.

I indeed concur with the need to set up museums where women the voices of women can be heard alongside being empowered. Such a museum is a watershed in the history of feminism. Needless to say, women are equally creative contributors in the field of art. While some women artists have immensely excelled amidst male dominance, there are still thousands of potential female artists who have been locked out of fame owing to male jingoism. However, the museum should not only feature the outstanding past and present female artists. It should also offer some opportunity to upcoming young females who have demonstrated both talent and ability to excel as artists. In any case, some young artists may not be in a position to outshine their counterparts who have been in the field for a considerably long time. Besides, Justine Kurland’s portrayal of women and children as the suffering lot does not necessarily add value to their massive contribution to art. Although the 2006 photograph attempts to create an impression that women and children have been ignored in society, the aspect of nudity is completely unpalatable in the picture.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 25). Highlights of Art Exhibitions at Meadows Museum. https://studycorgi.com/art-exhibitions-in-meadows-museum/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Highlights of Art Exhibitions at Meadows Museum." January 25, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/art-exhibitions-in-meadows-museum/.


StudyCorgi. "Highlights of Art Exhibitions at Meadows Museum." January 25, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/art-exhibitions-in-meadows-museum/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Highlights of Art Exhibitions at Meadows Museum." January 25, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/art-exhibitions-in-meadows-museum/.

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