Aspects of Global Citizenship

Global citizenship aims to encourage young people to acquire the information, skills, and values they need to pass on to the world. According to Dower and Williams, “the idea of global citizenship is that human beings are citizens of the world” (2016, p. 1). Global citizenship education is not another topic; it is a learning framework that reaches a more significant community beyond school.

For a global citizen, striving for social justice means justice in terms of wealth sharing, possibilities, and advantages in a company. In this context, Global Citizens Project approved courses focused on social justice. The growing connectivity among countries contributes to common issues and collective solutions that exceed the conventional nation-rights, state responsibilities, and duties. The radical concept behind the major social revolutions of our time is social compassion. Compassion has the meaning of recognizing others’ pain and then taking action. Compassion symbolizes people who are suffering the physical embodiment of love. There are two aspects in which social compassion is intertwined – advocacy and activism. Advocacy is a process; it is a product of activity. Advocacy requires empathy, patience, determination, and humility. Activism requires us to be frank, genuinely resentful, critical, and prompt. These concepts are interconnected in that both call for the maintenance of peace around themselves and the environment.

I recently noticed for myself that I treat the service personnel with more respect and patience than my friends. Sometimes it should be enough for me to look at the person who serves to see if he is doing well. They usually deal with many things that the client never knows about. If you did not receive your order as quickly as you would like, you should show more sympathy. Sometimes they do not have enough employees, or the cooks have problems in the kitchen. I believe this is a random act of compassion. It is a random act of compassion because people need to respect each other and support, regardless of social status or status, based on social compassion and global citizenship.


Dower, N., & Williams, J. (2016). Global citizenship: A critical introduction. Routledge.

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