Aspects of the Oral Health Care Course

Oral health care is a vast area which needs to be taught carefully and the right methodology. The course of The Oral health Care gives an outline of dental medication to draw in, teach, inspire, and help a student in working on the teeth of future patients and advising individuals from the community. I have inspected subjects in dental medication, including the extent of the field, some challenges, and a portion of the numerous ways that toothaches may introduce for various patients. This course begins from fundamental ideas and continues to audit patterns in ebb and flow examination and innovation. I have received the foundational knowledge that will allow me to study dentistry further and become a dentist in the future.

The course was also helpful for everyday life since I find out whether I have been caring for my teeth the correct way and the approaches to forestall the regular issues with teeth. I had a brief look into the changed dental professions and specialties. I have realized what an oral pathologist does and got comfortable with dental medicines like false teeth and crowns (Nunn & Frese, 2001). The lessons incorporated conversations of mouth, jaw, and tooth life structures, pathology, and treatment (Nunn & Frese, 2001). I am not confounded about dental materials that can be utilized to reestablish and supplant teeth, including plastics, ceramics, and different metals.

In conclusion, the course gives an essential see to the universe of oral wellbeing. It also clears the difference between the dental doctor and oral health care support workers such as dental assistants. There were discussions on the contrasts between patients and the remarkable jobs that various individuals from the dental field may play in treatment relying upon the patient and condition. Finally, I am now able to understand some dentistry-specific terminology, as well as abbreviations. Many practical learning techniques helped me study the oral care words, which I can use for other studies.


Nunn PJ, Frese PA. Oral Health Care: A Whole New Language: CE Course [Internet]. Country. 2001.

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