Attention and Movements: Types and Functions

1) Although the ordinary individual does not give selective attention enough consideration, its consequences may be felt in every waking minute. The system by which the human mind focuses its attention on a single subject for a period of time is known as selective attention (Banich & Compton, 2018). Human beings would be perpetually overwhelmed if they could not adapt to external conditions selectively. Additionally, they would struggle to execute the most fundamental tasks without abundant light, full stillness, and a clear, clean workplace. People can work efficiently and successfully in the face of innumerable factors of distraction and uncertainty if they pay attention selectively. One illustrative example of selective attention, where hearing is also involved, is when an individual decides to visit a restaurant with a friend. In this particular case, despite the presence and conversations in one room of a large number of strangers, a person is able to concentrate his attention on the speech of his interlocutor. An individual’s hearing recognizes all the sound waves, but his brain can filter out unnecessary information to focus on one priority object, making a pleasant conversation possible. In contrast, reflexive attention occurs when a phenomenon provokes a reflex reaction of a person, causing an internal trigger. For instance, during a person’s sleep, his alarm clock starts ringing, making a loud sound and emitting a screen light. Respectively, the person’s attention is focused exclusively on the alarm clock, which must be turned off. To my mind, reflexive attention is more important since it is responsible for the basic reflexes of the human body. If this reaction is not functioning, a person will not perform the most basic actions and will endanger his life.

2) Automatic movements and processes are a logical continuation of similar actions performed in a mechanical manner. Stimuli or circumstances are connected to activities, routines, or processing algorithms, and then sets of these routines are related to one another, resulting in the occurrence of an automatic process (Banich & Compton, 2018). In this case, a single stimulus causes a relatively automatic string of activities. Controlled processing necessitates that individuals pay attention and make a conscious effort. Controlled processing occurs when a person is consciously aware of what he or she is doing. To put it differently, individuals are obliged to think about what is going on, solve issues, identify potential risks, and make decisions. Automatic processing eliminates the need for humans to consciously exert effort to regulate activities since it does not require them to pay attention. Automatic processing is performed without people giving it any consideration. When a person practices anything for a long time, the activity becomes part of the routine. When it comes to cycling, the first step to mastering this skill is maintaining balance at low speed. The next level will be performing basic maneuvers such as turns, U-turns, and obstacle avoidance. Ultimately, having mastered the initial skills, a person will feel confident, and with each new time, the automation of the cycling process will increase. When the operation becomes regular, an experienced bike rider may be able to perform various bike-riding duties (changing the gears of the bike) without thinking about it. Years of training have made it feasible to stop, respond to automobiles on the road, and alter speeds. In this situation, a skilled rider can do actions without being aware of them.


Banich, M. T., & Compton, R. J. (2018). Cognitive Neuroscience. Cambridge University Press.

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