Band of Brothers: Stephen Ambrose’s WWII Insight

Authored by Stephen Ambrose, “Band of Brothers” is a must-read piece that comes in handy in providing an insight on the Second World War. The book tables the turn of events or rather the journey of the citizen soldiers from the Easy Company, 101st airborne and the 506th Regiment units of the US. The soldiers had a common goal and therefore remained united in every effort to conquer their enemies. The units, together in solidarity, managed to begin their mission from Normandy until they captured Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. Regardless of the evident divisions during this world war having the best rifles, the soldiers passed through difficulty conditions in their quench to liberate their citizens. It came in as a journey that consisted of great hardships. The soldiers struggled tirelessly and bravely, even going hungry, while others were freezing to death because of ambush and exposure to extreme temperatures conditions.

Stephen’s work in this novel, “Band of brothers” is a good recount of how the divisions worked together in unison as brothers during the war towards ensuring their winning, primarily to liberate their citizens. The soldiers showed their patriotism to their country as they came from different backgrounds to fight a common goal. The citizen soldiers after undergoing a rigorous training remained hardened and therefore ready for the war. The author through his book “Band of brothers” clearly brings out the struggles and the wars that soldiers have to go through in the quest to regain liberation. He presents accounts in a consistence manner. The soldiers come from different areas but come putting together their efforts to liberate their country. The soldiers are taken through rigorous training, which makes them learn new trick and methods of fighting the enemies.

The training they are subjected to is very harsh and a thorough one, which makes the weak fall on the way, as it entails subjection to harsh environment and experiences for them to qualify for their work. The training and exposure play critical role in their initiatives and their fight, which after a period of war makes them secure victory over the fight hence liberating their country. Although many of them die, the remaining people continue to put on a spirited heart to the end. Towards the end of the book, the author sums his work by acknowledging the soldiers, some of whom have already passed away while others are still alive, for the role they played in attaining the liberty and the freedom that we are now enjoying. The soldiers fought together as brothers by putting aside any differences among them, focusing on their vision and ambition to achieve which they eventually managed to achieve; freedom for all.

I liked the novel based on how the author has brought the story out. The story is one of its own containing various moral lessons that the current society needs to embrace. The “Bond of Brother” is actually a role-model novel with the characters presented therein qualifying for emulation by other people if at all they need to succeed in their endeavors. The sacrifices that were made by these men have attracted my attention to like the book. Generally, people need to work together as brothers and sisters by not clinching on their cultures, backgrounds or any other thing that might deter the achievements of their objectives. I have learned that actually, nothing comes out of a silver platter and that our self-interest should not be a hindrance to our quest for liberation. By putting our self-interests behind, we are capable of realizing our goals and objectives. The Band of Brothers is an informative piece of work.

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