Bariatric Surgery for an Obese Patient

This paper provides an analysis of the case of Mr. C., a 32-year-old patient seeking data about bariatric surgery. The report addresses the clinical manifestations the man shows as well as his health history, noting their possible causes. The work discusses possible health risks associated with obesity and the appropriateness of the surgery in the patient’s case. It also assesses the man’s functional health patterns and concludes by addressing prevention and health promotion opportunities for Mr. C.


The signs Mr. C. shows reveal that the patient suffers from obesity. The man’s weight is 134.5 kg while his height is 6”8, meaning that his body mass index (BMI) is about 32,5, which is a sign of obesity. Sleep apnea and high blood pressure are also signs of obesity. Mr. C’s fasting blood glucose is high; it places the patient at risk for vascular disease. The high level of triglycerides increases the man’s risk of heart-related diseases, such as stroke. At the same time, Mr. C. has a low level of HDL, which is good in his condition, as it may decrease his proneness to the conditions presented above.

Mr. C. reports that he was a heavy child even at a young age, which means that his health state may have been at a low level in his childhood. As the collected data shows, the patient is at risk of diseases associated with obesity. They include hypertension, diabetes, heart-related conditions, increased levels of blood sugar, and high levels of cholesterol. It is possible to say that bariatric surgery is an appropriate intervention for Mr. C. This type of intervention can help to eliminate obesity in the patient and decrease the risks associated with it.

Health-perception: The patient is aware of the risks associated with obesity, and is willing to improve his health state. The possible causes for his symptoms may include genetic ones, as he has always been overweight, and the ones associated with his lifestyle, as he is not physically active. It is crucial to continue educating the patient about the disadvantages of his current condition and the opportunities he has for changing it.

Nutritional: Mr. C. tries to reduce his dietary sodium; other information about his daily intake is unavailable. The patient may not be able to control his increased appetite as he wants to undergo bariatric surgery.

Cognitive-perceptional: There is a lack of data about the patient from this perspective. However, Mr. C. strives to learn information about weight loss, which shows that currently, he does not experience learning-related difficulties.

Role-relationship: Mr. C. does not report any information about his family or personal relationships. However, obesity may be caused by behaviors taught by his parents or social groups he belongs to.

Coping-stress tolerance: It is unclear whether Mr. C. can rely on others to address his problems. He may have the habit of using food to manage stressful situations, which results in obesity.

End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is the fifth and last stage of chronic kidney disease. The previous stages are characterized by various levels of glomerular filtration rate (GFR); there are normal, mild, moderate, and severe stages before the end-stage. The GFR level of ESRD is lower than 15 mL/min (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER), 2019). The contributing factors include diabetes, polycystic kidney disease, high blood pressure, and recurrent kidney infection.

There are several prevention and health promotion opportunities for individuals living with ESRD. Mr. C. should be educated about the risk of developing ESRD due to high blood pressure and glucose levels (DiMaria, Leonard, & Jewell, 2017). He should aim at eliminating the impact of these factors to restore his health and avoid the deterioration of his renal status. Moreover, Mr. C. should be informed that avoiding the excessive consumption of sodium or potassium can also be an effective preventive measure (DiMaria et al., 2017). For instance, he can reduce chocolate, bananas, nuts, and other similar types of foods in addition to measuring his blood pressure and glucose levels regularly.

The resources available for ESTD patients include ESRD networks and interdisciplinary care clinics. They are available for patients living with the condition and provide support and several types of care following the multidisciplinary approach. For instance, they offer transplant coordination, dietary counseling, advanced care planning strategies, and treatment option educations (Johns, Yee, Smith-Jules, Campbell, & Bauer, 2015). Moreover, they help individuals to obtain needed resources, such as transportation and smart devices. ESRD networks provide help from the social perspective, assisting individuals in return-to-employment issues, and working on improving their living conditions. These factors are crucial for ensuring that all patients can enhance their health state.


The report reveals that bariatric surgery is an appropriate intervention for Mr. C. He is at risk for several conditions, including diabetes, heart-related diseases, and ESRD. It is crucial to educate the patient about the factors contributing to the potential development of ESRD, including high blood pressure and glucose levels, and the consequences it may lead to. The resources available for Mr. C. and other individuals with this disease include ESRD networks and interdisciplinary care clinics.


DiMaria, C., Leonard, M., & Jewell, T. (2017). What you need to know about end-stage kidney disease (ESRD). Web.

Johns, T. S., Yee, J., Smith-Jules, T., Campbell, R. C., & Bauer, C. (2015). Interdisciplinary care clinics in chronic kidney disease. BMC Nephrology, 16. Web.

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). (2019). End-stage renal disease. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 10). Bariatric Surgery for an Obese Patient.

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