Barriers to Advanced Practice Nurses in Florida: Policy and Legislative Insights

Practice Barriers for APNs in Florida

  • Nurse Midwife: In Florida, nurse midwives should have an administrative relationship with a physician. Nationally, it can result in these professionals providing less timely and comprehensive care.
  • Nurse Anesthetist: In Florida, nurse anesthetists should have a convention with a managing physician that frames the conditions under which the physician should be counseled (Kleinpell et al., 2022). Nationally, it can hinder the scope of practice of nurses and pose restrictions on their ability for care provision.
  • Nurse Practitioner: In Florida, nurse practitioners should work under the oversight of a physician for the initial 1,500 hours of training (Kleinpell et al., 2022). Nationally, such a lack of independence can reduce the quality of provided care.
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist: In Florida, clinical nurse specialists face comparative management prerequisites as nurse practitioners, restricting their capacity to practice autonomously. Nationally, it can prevent CNSs from providing patients with timely treatment.

Competition Interference, Key Lawmakers and Interest Groups

APNs in Florida face contests from physician organizations that promote physician-drove care models. These organizations argue that physicians are better prepared to provide care and that APNs need more training and experience to practice autonomously. Rep. Cary Pigman (R-Sebring) and Sen. Jeff Brandes (R-St. Petersburg) are referenced as lawmakers who joined members of the Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists and the Florida Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses. Several interest groups at the state and national levels impact APN strategy. The American Nurses Association, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, and the American Association of Nurse Practitioners are worth mentioning.

Strategies for Impacting Procedure

There are several methods to influence change in policy. One method is through competition, where APNs can compete with physicians in terms of treatment provision at a lower cost. In the long term, it will lead to increased recognition and reimbursement. Then, state legislative and executive branches can help reduce restrictions when it comes to APNs work and increase their scope of practice (Kleinpell et al., 2022). Finally, interest groups, such as the American Nurses Association and the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, can be helpful in cases of APNs advocacy and policy change on state and national levels.


Kleinpell, R. M., Myers, C. R., Likes, W., & Schorn, M. N. (2022). Breaking down institutional barriers to advanced practice registered nurse practice. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 137–143. Web.

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