Baseline Magazine: Website Usability

Summary Description of Its Structure and Purpose

Baseline’s structure is clear and coherent for those who are eager to learn advancements in the sphere of leading-edge information technology. Using the case studies, and what is more important companies’ dossiers, the site owners provide a wonderful opportunity to keep updated in the sphere of information technologies. Baseline’s purpose is to show the way leading companies manage to deploy information technology innovations. Usually, it is an assessment of whether the deployment reached the baseline or not.

It Is Overall “Look and Feel” and Apparent Target Audience

The overall look of the site is official enough to understand there is plenty of information to acquire. However, the same issue – quantity of information – situated on one page makes you dazzle by the variety. The target audience is certainly serious enterprises, firms, and companies, who, for instance, are eager to find white papers in order to decide on a purchase solidly.

What Do You Find Useful about This Site?

The most useful thing on the site, as for me, is the seminar online function. The ‘webcasts’ link takes you to many topics of interesting seminars that you may register in. This enables a private person or a company representative to fall into step with world trends of IT. The importance of the webcasts is that they may give pretty innovative and new techniques and hints for the people really plugged in.

‘News’ was the link I followed right away, and this is probably the link that every habitué follows. Link Projects’ and then ‘Customer Service’ was of particular interest to me because I then followed the ‘Federal Regulatory Guidance Gets Business Continuity Update’ were found out many interesting facts well beyond IT technology matters for continuing the business.

Any Other Things about the Site That You Find Interesting

I found particularly interesting the link to the latest stories. What is significant about the articles is that they are of more entertaining content though still referring to the topic of I.T. management. You have an opportunity to praise some of eh article’s protagonists or, on the contrary, have a gloat a bit over them. You can get to know many previously unknown facts, such as tablet computers causing headaches. This information may also be useful for those owning offices and eager to bring in new devices.

Bottom-Line Evaluation of Its Value to You

As a would-be manager, the online magazine Baseline presents a unique use to me. It offers the best solution in the sphere of I.T. managing. With the help of articles, news, and hints a modern manager is able to implement next-generation I.T. technologies in practice. This happens to be a vital thing within the profession because the future level of management depends on the I.T. resources and the ability to use them correctly and efficiently.

It is important to outline that management is impossible without keeping updated on many professional issues since the sphere of business changes its facets too often for a manager to neglect them. That is why this module’s focus directly reflects the importance of I.T. technologies in every sphere of business and hence managing disregarding the actual orientation of the business.


Ziff Davis Enterprise Holdings Inc. (1996-2011). Baseline. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Baseline Magazine: Website Usability." December 22, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Baseline Magazine: Website Usability." December 22, 2021.

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