Benefits of a Healthy Nutrition

Food nutrition is a crucial element for human survival, as most of the energy required for everyday life is obtained from it. The food people take contains nutrients that are essential for the body development and functioning, and the amount of each nutrient needed is called a nutritional element. This paper shows the comparisons between the dietary guidelines and data findings; the concerns regarding calorie intake, risk factors, and improvement plans are also discussed.

Dietary Guidelines

A healthy diet consists of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and mineral salts. Each nutrient has a unique function in the body and must be taken in a required proportion. Grains are sources of fibre, vitamins (riboflavin, folate, and thiamin) and minerals, such as (magnesium, calcium, and iron). The fibre in grains reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and, above all, constipation. Intake of vitamins helps the body release energy from proteins. Eating grains reduces the chances of being attacked by chronic diseases. Proteins provide energy during cases of starvation and help in repairing of worn-out tissues. Fruits and vegetables are essential as they help maintain good health. They contain low calorie and less cholesterol, and they are sources of vitamins and minerals.

Data Findings

In comparison, the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) is 233.171, and the data collection is 130. This shows an extra of 103.171 carbohydrates intake in the body. The CHO foods consumed include brown rice for the whole grains. The fibre consumption was low and needed to be increased. A low fibre contributes to weight gain since it swells, providing a sense of fullness when taking meals. They take a long time to chew, resulting in a low intake during meals. An elevated cholesterol level may also be developed since, during digestion, the body secretes bile acids that contain cholesterol. Fiber present in intestines, removes the acids and the cholesterol. To increase fiber intake, vegetables must complement evening meals and nuts can be added to soup and salads. Eating whole-grain cereals such as brown bread for breakfast and making fruits as snacks can improve the level.

Risk Factors and Improvement Plans

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that causes high blood sugar. The body may either fail to produce enough insulin or fail to use the insulin that it makes. To prevent this, a healthy diet is recommended where the intake of refined carbohydrates is cut. Physical body exercise is needed to cut down the extra calories. Drinking at least eight glasses of water per day is recommended as it is an important fluid in the body. Sugary fruits, cream, cheese, buttered popcorns, and waffles should be removed from the diet.

The recommended fat calories are 20-30% as per the AMDR. However, the data shows 58% intake, which is high. This high amount of fat was obtained from high cholesterol foods like cream and cheese. Saturated fats such as buttered popcorns and monounsaturated fats like extra virgin olive oil. To comply with a low-fat intake, the fibre intake should be increased and embrace unsaturated fats. Whole grains should be implemented, and fried foods are avoided.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is where the force of blood against the arteries is too high. This is as a result of high sodium intake altering the normal pumping rate. Taking drugs that help lower the pressure level is another way of dealing with the condition. Exercising is key and taking less salt are one of the preventive measures to be practiced. Taking foods rich in calcium, such as roasted peppers, brown rice and waffles, are encouraged.

Calories from proteins add up to 5%, while the MDR recommends an intake of 46g, and only 24. 489g is present. This shows a low intake as the only proteins taken is tofu. For a vegetarian diet, non-starchy vegetables are to be taken and more greens, including vegetables, to be adopted. Low-calorie intake results in impaired growth, constipation and impaired growth. On the other hand, a high-calorie intake leads to obesity and overweight. Other chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer are likely to arise. Cancer is a disease that affects the cells and is not treatable but can be controlled.

Vitamins intake level is low in most vitamins showing a risky trend. The BMI of 21.03 is healthy as they range at the requirement per the dietary guidelines. Vitamins help in healing wounds and improving the immune system. They are taken mostly after or after meals as they convert food into energy and repair damaged cells. They help the organs and cells to perform their functions. The calorie intake is above the estimated need due to low activity. Since the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown restrictions, there has been less exercise. Going to the gym as before has contributed to the inactivity. However, walking and riding have been the exercise of the day.

A healthy diet incorporates all the nutrients in proper quantities. Comparisons between the DRI and the data obtained shows a variation in the nutrient intake. The carbohydrate intake is high with the individual, and a proper proportion is recommended. A high-fat calorie intake from carbohydrates can be seen and a low calorie from proteins. The vitamins intake is under as only vitamin C, A, and E are over the requirement while the rest are low.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, July 13). Benefits of a Healthy Nutrition.

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