Berkshire Hathaway has been known for quite long as the provider of insurance services. Having grown to the size of a multinational conglomerate, it has managed to retain its quality standards and is currently topping the list of the most successful financial service organizations. However, because of the quality statement that it has issued recently, it may face numerous challenges due to its uncompromising tone.

On the surface, the statement and the offers that the company makes seem rather legitimate. By claiming that “every home buyer and seller” (Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, 2016, par. 1) should receive the services of the stated level, the entrepreneurship sets the clients’ expectations rather high, yet its current approach to quality management. Therefore, the opening statement made in the excerpt posted on the website leaves a rather positive impression.
The fact that the organization provides references to other firms that may prove its claims is also very impressive: as Berkshire Hathaway explains, “Agent’s service record has been validated by an independent third party” (Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, 2016, par. 3). By stating that the services of the entrepreneurship are evaluated by an independent organization, Berkshire Hathaway proves that it is a credible and trustworthy company (Schroeder, Rungtusanatham, & Goldstein, 2013).
However, the service guarantee posted on the company’s website still has a few dents in it. For instance, there is no data concerning the issue of refunds. On the one hand, mentioning reimbursements together with the “100% service satisfaction” (Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, 2016, par. 4) guarantee would be rather uncomfortable. On the other hand, the complete absence of any mentioning of a refund may prompt the customers’ suspicions regarding the trustworthiness of the firm and its clients’ relations (Zaeh, 2013).
The course for the further improvements of the entrepreneurship’s service guarantee is, therefore, obvious. The statement above needs to be modified so that the clients could see that the organization is ready to compromise and accept its fault in case there is one (Schroeder et al., 2013). The current statement regarding 100% of satisfied clientele might be true, yet, due to the complacency element in it, it appears to be obvious exaggeration aimed at luring gullible customers into buying the services proposed. Therefore, it is imperative to shape the current statement so that it should not seem as uncompromisingly bland and affected as it is now.
Although Berkshire Hathaway has been known as a famous and successful company for decades, its current customer satisfaction guarantee may disrupt the current string of success for the entrepreneurship due to the lack of credibility in its statement. The redesign thereof should be viewed as the next reasonable step to make so that clients could regain their trust in the firm’s services.
For a company to succeed in the global economic environment, it has to be honest with its customers about the quality of its services and the offers that it can make. Therefore, the current service guarantee provided by the entrepreneurship in question cannot be deemed as valid since it does not invite the possibility for any refunds. Even though the firm may have been guided by the intention to showcase its excellence in the banking realm, it still needs to improve the current statement; otherwise, it may witness a significant drop in the number of customers quite soon.
Reference List
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services. (2016). Quality service guarantee. Web.
Schroeder, R., Rungtusanatham, M. J., & Goldstein, S. (2013). Process-flow analysis. In Operations management in the supply chain: Decisions and cases (pp. 110-134) (6th ed.). New York City, NY: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
Zaeh, M. F. (2013). Enabling manufacturing competitiveness and economic sustainability. Munich: Springer Science & Business Media.