Best Practices for Children With Diverse Abilities


Children with special needs are usually unique and different from normal ones. These members learn in various ways, and pace and possess varied abilities. This trend implies that they require special approaches to be used while teaching and training them. These mechanisms are special in that they take care of the various needs of these special children and allow them to learn with ease. Therefore, it is vital to employ strategies that will care for the needs of these children and allow them to achieve maximum benefits in the classroom.


Some of the best strategies to employ include a less restrictive environment. The above approach allows these learners to express themselves effectively, communicate, and achieve the best results in their operations. The second approach is inclusivity, which permits understanding these individuals’ various needs. Third, the learning environment needs to be modified to accommodate the needs of exceptional learners. Further, research studies suggest the need for emotional support to help care for their expressive needs. Emotionally stable children are more likely to achieve better results than their counterparts. Subsequently, these children should also be provided with the proper nutritional food. In other words, providing the proper diet enables these children to achieve better growth and development and can learn effectively. Instructors concerned with these children should also use modified and exciting teaching methods to help promote memory retention and understanding of the concepts. Finally, there is a need to promote the social aspect of children’s learning by creating an inclusive environment.


Applying the above strategies will help to take care of the various needs of these learners. In other words, the approaches will act as great pillars in making the learning environment exciting and accommodating for these learners. They will be strong pillars in providing exceptional learners with a new home and hope. Therefore, it is vital for educators and all concerned members to effectively use the eight prescribed approaches.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, December 20). Best Practices for Children With Diverse Abilities.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Best Practices for Children With Diverse Abilities." December 20, 2023.

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