Birthing Centers and Associated Characteristics


Giving birth is a highly complex procedure that might present risks to pregnant women’s health. For this reason, many people choose hospitals to relieve the process and ensure that there are no complications during the operation. However, some people find clinic environments exceedingly restrictive and prefer alternatives. Birthing or birth centers are special medical facilities that allow a greater degree of freedom for pregnant women and ensure an informal home-like setting. The current paper thoroughly describes birthing centers and associated characteristics.

Discussion and Overview

A birthing center is typically a more customer-friendly facility that tries to adjust to the patient’s needs and preferences. It does not provide the services of the highest quality as hospitals, but it relieves anxiety and stress among pregnant women due to its approach. The typical healthcare providers in these facilities are midwives who specialize in communication competencies, education, and counseling (Brown, 2022). Hence, the primary population group that uses birthing centers consists of pregnant women who want to be surrounded by understanding personnel in a highly comfortable and home-like environment. The latest research by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2020) demonstrates that more people prefer birthing centers and alternatives to hospitals. Besides personnel and environment, other key characteristics include greater freedom, more privacy, and overall shorter stays (Brown, 2022). However, if the pregnant woman requires urgent medical intervention, she will be referred to the hospital since most birthing centers lack special equipment and competent clinicians.

Justification and Conclusion

Personally, I have chosen birthing centers for this assignment because it is an excellent alternative for pregnant women who find the typical hospital environment hostile and uncomfortable. I believe it is critical to analyze why more and more people choose this option and adjust the design of facilities accordingly. In summary, birthing centers are unique facilities that assist pregnant women during labor and giving birth, ensuring a comfortable environment.


Brown, M. (2022). Delivering at a birth center. What To Expect. Web.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2020). Birth setting in America: Outcomes, quality, access, and choice. Washington Midwives. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, February 17). Birthing Centers and Associated Characteristics.

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StudyCorgi. 2024. "Birthing Centers and Associated Characteristics." February 17, 2024.

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