Black Is Beautiful: The Story Behind the Exhibition

The world we live in has come very far in terms of reaching equality on different levels as compared to even fifty years ago. However, the age of minorities not being given a voice has resulted in the absence of their perspectives in many social spheres – art is no exception. That is the case with racial minorities – which includes black people in the United States. It is not that there is not enough work produced by black artists, or that these artists are not gifted – but black representation is still a rarity when it comes to the global scene.

That is why it is so important to intentionally seek out art produced by black people and try to understand the story behind the authors’ vision. This particular exhibition is focused on the works of three black photographers who demonstrate their interpretation of the world around them. It is interesting that some artists – like Roy DeCarava – never aimed at making a sociological statement that might be expected from a person of color. He simply thought that no one but a black man can depict other black people as they are. Others – for instance, Lorna Simpson – purposefully wish to draw the public’s attention to the peculiarities of black culture and how much it is an integral part of who the culture representatives are. Then there is LaToya Ruby Frazier, who went even further and decided to target black working-class communities – being a part of this population group herself, she feels that their struggles are heavily underrepresented. Neither perspective is better than the other – but it is essential that different angles and points of view were explored since there is an abundance of them when it comes to black art.

Either way, one should always strive to come out of their comfort zone and explore the world outside of the view familiar to them. In this regard, exhibitions such as this one are extremely useful – not only do they provide the works for examination, but they also give necessary context as to who the artists behind these works are. Thus, various outlooks featured can be understood more clearly and resonate with people on a deeper level.

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