Bridgeport Drones Company’s Services and Products

Company Description

Bridgeport Drones is a US based company serving most states in the US and other countries, offering commercial aerial drone services through remotely piloted Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for aerial mapping and filming among other uses. Specifically, Bridgeport Drones is concerned with image collection through drones, and it strives to demonstrate how society can advance with such images. The company then produces images joined together into maps.

Bridgeport Drones provides modern aerial mapping, videos, and still photos. The company relies on 2D precision maps to assist various clients, including civil engineers, large-scale farmers, insurance firms, search and rescue teams and environmentalists. In addition, 3D maps have been widely adopted by corporate organizations, surveyors to determine earth works, and criminal investigation departments to recreate crime scenes and accidents. In Peru, for instance, Bridgeport Drones scientific endeavor has been mapping archaeological sites (Perlman 1).

Bridgeport Drones specializes in providing customized images obtained from UAVs to customers keen on high quality, accurate information for their terrain. The company depends on modern photogrammetric software solutions to offer much accurate geospatial images that provide value to end users. Tools such as the Global Mapper have ensured that the company can develop high quality maps because of their robust editing features.

In addition, Bridgeport Drones consulting services have assisted several corporate organizations to identify areas where they can deploy drones. The company is working on more applications and software solutions to advance its services (Haldane 1).

Service or Product Line

Bridgeport Drones generally offers Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) services for a wide variety of aerial activities, including mapping and filming at relatively affordable costs compared to traditional practices of using satellites and full-scale aircraft (Joel 1; Longo 1; Morris 1).

Aerial Mapping and Survey

Bridgeport Drones provides real-time, high-resolution aerial mapping at relatively cheaper rates compared to satellite or aircraft alternatives. The company offers high quality mapping imagery superior to other old techniques. The company provides maps that are more accurate because of its advanced imaging solutions (Dai 1).

Aerial Photography

The company’s UAVs can capture the best quality of imagery because it can get much closer to the object and get clearer details through electronically controlled, stabilized mounted camera. The UAVs are also equipped with professional photography materials for the best results.

Aerial Cinematography

Bridgeport Drones uses the UAVs to deliver high quality, dynamic shots for the film industry. The low-cost greater aerial coverage is used to deliver excellent shots and perfect camera direction. Thus, filmmakers can gain access to such high-end technologies at affordable rates.

Aerial Inspection

The company uses its UAVs to inspect tall structures or otherwise dangerous, difficult to access structures. It can deliver high-resolution, videos, and photos. In addition, data related to temperatures, air samples and humidity could also be collected. Inspection may also include internal operations because of small size of drones.

Aerial Search

Bridgeport Drones provides aerial search services to assist in locating missing persons, animals, wildfire, and objects. The company is keen to work with other organizations focusing on emergency services, wildlife services and any individuals interested in enhancing aerial search outcomes.

Other Services

Bridgeport Drones is now focusing on many more applications of drones to maximize usability. It focuses on drone conservation, journalism, humanitarian assistance, delivery services, and education among others.


Bridgeport Drones is also interested in assisting other organizations to determine specific areas in which they can deploy drone services.


Dai, Xuan. Aranica: Commercialization of a Drone Mapping and Sensing Technology. 2015. Web.

Haldane, Matt. “U.S. slowly opening up commercial drone industry.” Reuters. 2013. Web.

Joel, Mitch. “The Booming Business of Drones.” Harvard Business Review. 2013. Web.

Longo, Jaclyn. Drone Commercialization: The Sky is the Limit. 2015. Web.

Morris, Robert. Is all the hype about drone commercialization clouding our judgement? 2015. Web.

Perlman, Alan. 70 Drone Companies to Watch in 2016 . 2015. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 16). Bridgeport Drones Company’s Services and Products.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Bridgeport Drones Company’s Services and Products." October 16, 2020.

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